I've been listening to In FUCKING Flames religiously


Eat me.
Jul 17, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Their new one is alright I guess, but then I put in Whoracle and I was reminded of why they kick ass. And then I put in Colony and it was just over with.

We're goin on 2 fucking weeks of In Flames all day, every day. I think I'm going to get sick of them soon, but I don't know. They fuckin pump me up. I sit there in my bedroom and I bang my fucking head on the doorjam, and that doesn't piss me off... so like, I step on my own foot, and that doesn't work... then I slam a limb in the door, and that doesn't work... but then I put in the In Flames and WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM, Instant Pissed-Mode. It's time to fuck someone up. Then everything rules.

Also I've listening to In Flames for 2 years now, and I can say that I.F. is tthe band that I have more influence musically speaking, and although thay have been reinventing themselves every year, every album is espectacular. I still haven't listened that last one (Reroute To The Reamain), but I hope that it'll be an excellent record, but I don't don't think they could do again a masterpiece like "The Jester Race".
which is your favorite song? Mine is "Episode 666" and "Insipid 2000".
Gyroscope is a killer tune... Jotun is badass... Another Day in Quicksand... Living in a World of Promises... fuck, I could go on and on, they have hit some serious pinnacles with their music.
Originally posted by GhosT^x0
Their new one is alright I guess, but then I put in Whoracle and I was reminded of why they kick ass. And then I put in Colony and it was just over with.

We're goin on 2 fucking weeks of In Flames all day, every day. I think I'm going to get sick of them soon, but I don't know. They fuckin pump me up. I sit there in my bedroom and I bang my fucking head on the doorjam, and that doesn't piss me off... so like, I step on my own foot, and that doesn't work... then I slam a limb in the door, and that doesn't work... but then I put in the In Flames and WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM, Instant Pissed-Mode. It's time to fuck someone up. Then everything rules.


Try cutting your balls off. You bitch like a woman anyway. . .
Their ok. I'm not much for their new stuff, but I can tolorate them. I think I have an album or two buried in my CD books.
Originally posted by The Wanderer
If *nflames gets you that pumped up, I'd hate to see what happened if you listened to something that was actually aggressive.

In my books, it´s not about aggression, it´s about quality.
Originally posted by npearce

Try cutting your balls off. You bitch like a woman anyway. . .

Dude. You're from Kansas. That's about as bad as it gets, so I'll just leave you alone. You're miserable enough.

I don't like In Flames for how aggressive or hardcore they are, but they have a high caliber of quality music among their 5 prime releases.. I'd call them PROgressive rather than AGgressive, but there's a fine line there too, and I don't wanna explain it.

But yeah, good shit... if I wanna get pumped up and sock someone in the face, it's usually newer Testament, older Slayer, or some Fear Factory or some other stuff that you fuckin metal-elite geeks will probably talk shit about too.
Originally posted by Smekermann
....wow, that's some weak shit you listen to there, buddy. Cryptopsy, motherfucker. Do you speak it? At the Gates? The Haunted? The Crown? Immortal? Enslaved? Fuck, In Flames has nothing on those bands when it comes to "getting pumped up".

You remind me of a guy I used to know who'd get all pumped up listening to power metal. Christ. You people need to earn some fucking brutality.

cryptopsy's fuckin old and broken up, you piece of fuck. Try some Misery Index, some Dark Days, some Rise, some Cephalic Carnage, some Morbid Decay, some Crematorium, Marduk or some fucking Satyricon.

Pussy. Don't get me started.
No, next I'll be telling you that you think too hard about the shit other people listen to. Get off it, Stormtrooper... no one cares what you think is hard, especially me. And yes, fuckhole, I said "old and broken up"... because

A) They are old, and
B) they are broken up
"Just Super"?

Fag. This wasn't a troll to begin with, but you had to start with the "I'm more hardcore than you" shit, didn't ya... why doesn't it surprise me that you'd be the one to bust out the first picture?

How's this, bro... use of the image tag to evade debates you start = lack of intelligence, balls, or reason to tell anyone anything. Go back to sleep.
I have a few ideas.

1) He was born ugly.
2) He lives with his parents still.
3) He's desperately single.
4) His balls have recently dropped... and he's only 15.
5) He thinks music makes the man. Probably thinks cars do too.
6) People like me are out there.
7) He's in the closet about something.
8) He's trying to hard to be hardcore.
9) He thinks he's better than people because he can listen to garbage disposal music longer than they can.
10) Perhaps the word "flame" hits closer to home than we first assumed.