I've discovered something about online friends lately

There are much better arguments for why a 19 year old should not be engaged to a 17 year old that he kidnapped than monogamy.

Of course, maturity issues comes to mind and not to mention neither of them have experience life to the fullest to make such an important decision.

No relationship could flourish if one always worried about the bad that could happen.

Yes, but marriage is a whole 'nother ball game. One should not take it so lightly.
I'm not sure why any of you guys consider yourself an authority on this, people will do what they do and you guys are considering marriage like an end all
i guess mort should do what he wants.

anyone here is the truth owner, so, everybody here knows what is the best for thenselves, but i think nobody here can judge.

i don't think that the best to me must be the best to another one.
If you marry someone you're not in a well-defined, tested and proven, rock-solid relationship with, you're an idiot. And I can back that statement up with 20 years of experience when it comes to fucking, loving and regretting.

On that note, this day is actually the twenty year anniversary of me losing my virginity, on the day. Imagine that. :lol:
anyone here is the truth owner, so, everybody here knows what is the best for thenselves, but i think nobody here can judge.

Hm, all three of these statements appear to be false.

Though I'm not really sure what a "truth owner" is.
Vihris-gari: agreed, will Vitor please explain what a "truth owner" is?

As for the marriage/kidnapping discussion...you're both waaaay to young and, cynical as it is, will probably be divorced in a few years. From what I can tell getting married at such an early stage in your relationship is more of a detriment to the two of you remaining a couple than anything else. Plus, meeting wife on the interwebs? Really? Surprised she wasn't a guy.