I've finally heard the new Slipknot (insert You Gonna Get Raped pic)

I'm too damned tired to read this whole topic, but I'll respond to some comments I noticed near the beginning.

"There's nothing wrong with diversity my friend."

And there's nothing right about it either. It's entirely situational. Listening to mallcore "diversifies" your tastes, but I always thought the object was to listen to good music, not be able to say "my tastes are more diverse than anyone else's."

"Sorry to tell you, but Slipknot is a band, they do play music, therefore they have music worthy of listening. They wouldnt be this popular if they couldnt make music work."

Just because something exists doesn't mean it is worthy. The relationship between quality and popularity is inverse if anything. Perhaps, you have no idea how idiotic you seem. Britney Spears sells music for crying out loud.
Demiurge said:
And there's nothing right about it either. It's entirely situational. Listening to mallcore "diversifies" your tastes, but I always thought the object was to listen to good music, not be able to say "my tastes are more diverse than anyone else's."
True, but the definition of good music is subject to the individual being asked.

ShroudOfDusk said:
Lots of stuff I'd rather get before getting the new Slipknot.
Same here.
As someone who neither enjoyed Slipknots previous releases but who also doesn't give a shit about them being music for the masses, I just think that what I've heard of the new album is really, really boring. Not "trendy" or anything, just boring.
I'm genuinly perplexed by their appeal.
As you were.
I'm not going to flame Slipknot and call them trendy nu-metal... all I know is that "Pulse of the Maggots" is a terrible song.

I listened to it with my roommate, who happens to be a slipknot fan (mainly for the drumming), and we both just laughed with eachother the whole way through the song.

Now, apparently that song doesn't reflect on the album as a whole, and I saw them on Leno last night, and the song they played really wasn't too bad (the chorus was actually pretty decent)... So maybe I can actually give this a chance...

*goes to sample*
Update: Yep, Duality is a decent song... mainly for the chorus/breakdown, and some of the drumming, and the bat/Keg actually works well in the song.

But I don't see much that separates it from older Slipknot. The spoken/rap verse w/ boring guitar/drumming just doesn't cut it...

Still, Decent chorus/breakdown.
First Blood said:
Update: Yep, Duality is a decent song... mainly for the chorus/breakdown, and some of the drumming, and the bat/Keg actually works well in the song.

But I don't see much that separates it from older Slipknot. The spoken/rap verse w/ boring guitar/drumming just doesn't cut it...

Still, Decent chorus/breakdown.

Well like I said earlier in this thread, I wasn't interesed in this after I heard Pulse of the Maggots and Duality... in fact I was pretty disappointed. Pulse is probably my least favorite track on the album, with Duality not far behind.

Check out "This Blister Exists", "Opium of the People", "Three Nil". But there are quite a few 'mellow' type tracks that seperate the heavy stuff, so its definitley intended to be taken in as a whole.

I would listen to the whole thing, 14 tracks, and then form an opinion... because I know mine changed a lot. Its a great record, very progressive and experimental by Slipknot standards, hell even the first track is a mellow track, proving that they kind of don't give a fuck what people think and aren't trying to prove anything. Even though I liked Slipknot's last 2 records, I always felt they were somewhat less dynamic and diverse than I usually like from my metal.... well they definitley shattered that doubt here. Give Rick Rubin some serious credit, the past Ross Robinson offerings almost sound like demos compared to how much tighter they seem.

Something was finally able to dethrone Suffocation from my CD player at least.
It's songs like The Blister Exists that really caught my ear. The sinister tremolo semi-lead stuff in the background is really nifty, a completely new sound in Slipknot.....and the acoustic stuff.....hmmm, while I don't think it is successful as a part of the record because it's just so un-Slipknot like, it nevertheless is quite competent material on its own. And the riffs are actually interesting on this record....the drumming has been toned-down to support the riffing and not just drown-out the song resulting in a much groovier metalcore feel. I dunno, I think the latter half of the album is weak compared to the first; it descends into too much melodic mediocrity rather than holding onto the aggressive aspect of their sound, but overall i'm still impressed.
Honestly after the second cd I thought they were doomed, but I based on what was said in this thread I went ahead and downloaded it and was surprised! It's not by any means one of the best albums I've ever heard or anything, but I did honestly enjoy a few of these songs. I think the softer songs were quite well written but out of place in the album. The harder stuff had a lot of momentum, but it also lacked memorable hooks and didn't really stick in my head after I listened to em. I've always liked coreys voice simply because his screams sound like natural human rage rather then demonic howls and grunts(that's always good too though right?)

How long this stays in the play list remains to be seen. Afterall, I liked the new In Flames at first but I haven't listened to it in some time and don't really want to. On the other hand, I do still like the new mushroomhead(weird I know) so you never can tell.
i've heard nearly the entire thing and i'm quite impressed, i really like it. It's a huge step foward for them, Opium of the People has some crazy guitar work, and Vermillion pt. 1 is chilling. I see no reason why this album cant rank up with my current favorites at the time.
One thing that has definitley improved their sound is how lead-heavy many of the songs are. There are leads everywhere, and it was something that they definitley lacked in the past. The tremolo leads they use on several songs are a welcome new sound, as Sculpted said. They also have a few pretty competant solos. One of the best ones is in Vermillion Part 1, around the 2:50 mark. Its no Chuck Schuldiner, but its not bad either.

The track "Virus of Life" is a perfect example of all 9 members clearly being heard, the thick percussion especially... there's just a lot of layers of music happening there and I really dig it. The chrous has a heavy Zepp John Bonham feeling, especially near the end. Its one of the mellower tracks, but one of the more 'demented' sounding songs. I like it.

Why cant you all just fuckin ignore this assraped bullshit band????????

There are so fuckin many other bands who could play slipknot against the wall, you dont need these fucks!

Give new and bands in underground a chance instead of wasting your money of this bunch of jumping around posers!

search! search for good music! dont take what MTV sells you as metal!


theyre a cancer for metal!! MEtal doesnt need them!