I've never heard of playing half a song...

i liked the show. maybe alexi wasn't doing so hot seeing as how he kept puking his brains out.
besides, what's the problem? if you don't like what they've become, stop going to see them. quit bitching, and listen to something else.
you're acting like your girlfriend just dumped you.
i liked the show. maybe alexi wasn't doing so hot seeing as how he kept puking his brains out.
besides, what's the problem? if you don't like what they've become, stop going to see them. quit bitching, and listen to something else.
you're acting like your girlfriend just dumped you.

He wouldn't know how to act that way since I'm fairly confident he's never had a girlfriend. and really He was puking a lot? Prolly from the heat... :erk:
Yeah i think im a true fan. You said exactly the opposite of what i want. I want Bodom's sound to b similar to the old school one...

Oh, God forbid you can actually understand what Alexi's singing about! Get the fuck over it. Alexi has said himself that he likes the new school sound, it's more rock oriented, and not so classicalized. Again on the vocals, people's voices changes, get over it
I'm actually quite a stickler for a great live act, that's why I'd go see Rush, Symphony X or Dream Theater in concert as opposed to CoB. I honestly have no intention of seeing them live, I'm perfectly happy with the studio albums and my downloaded Tuska Open Air show.

The difference, I DON'T PISS AND MOAN ABOUT IT ON THE INTERNET! Do you honestly think going on the internet and complaining about stuff will get you anywhere? I mean, I agree with you partially but STFU and GTFO.

I'm actually quite a stickler for a great live act, that's why I'd go see Rush, Symphony X or Dream Theater in concert as opposed to CoB. I honestly have no intention of seeing them live, I'm perfectly happy with the studio albums and my downloaded Tuska Open Air show.

for me its the contrary. I think symphony X or Dream Theater are really boring live because they only do the album. sure, its nice to see them actually do the solos and the riffs but i can see this better in their exercise videos. I prefer cob live because they do crazy things and are actually trying to entertain the crowd.
I would actually care about them leaving out solos if when they played live the solos didn't sound like gobbledy shit, having seen them 4 times I can say that yes they are getting sloppy as hell. Kissing the Shadows was laughable especially the final solo dual which just sounded like a mess of shit rather than an exercise in skill and musicality like on the album. So it's fine to put on a show for the people but not when you forsake the quality of the music.

Also during that solo alexi wasn't running around and i could see janne actually cracked his fingers before (which made me laugh) and it still was sloppier than hell.
you all suck are are fucking noobs, HateCrewDeathroll is right

I don't give a fuck wether he's right or wrong (I actually agree with him) I just think he's a total fag for pissing and moaning about it on the forum like Bodom is actually gonna read it and go "What have we done? One of our fans is upset that we suck live, to the practice room!"

Complaining is gay period, over the internet just makes you look like a tard.
Why is nobody upset about this? I was on the gate for the Philly show watching Janne for my favorite part in Children Of Decadence........and it's coming up............any second now............wait, Janne is drinking a beer, he's gonna miss the part..........wait what the fuck just happened? Did they just go into Chokehold? Oh it's another Bodom mix, it's all good. They'll come back to the solos.........didn't happen. Then first time in America....Mask of Sanity!! Holy shit......so sick. The breakdown part is coming up.....Janne is drinking a beer, why isn't he ready with his grand piano sound? Oh wait what is this? They are going into Deadnight Warrior....oh it's okay, they'll come back to Mask Of Sanity solo section, that's the sickest keyboard guitar duel on FTR.........wait, Bodom is gonna let me down twice this show? Damn, no solo battle either, and Alexi skips the conclusion to the downfall solos? Not cool man, mad gay, go listen to Tokyo Warhearts, too sick man.........or Sinergy.......that shit shows what Roope and Alexi really could do

:lol:!!! you always come here and complain...No one cares about this except you basicly....so plz stop this whiney shit!!! its fucking pathetic...dont buy tickets next time then...
Listen.. do yourself a huge favour. Throw out you're TW cd and get a girlfriend. Christ, lucky you even got to go to a show, not that you deserve to with all your whining. Why not just have a good time like everyone else instead of being a crybaby bitch. I understand you missed yer fav parts but it's not the end of the world and if that ruined the night for you then I'm sorry but grow the fuck up. Why are all your posts just whining about CoB and references to TW? :erk:

:lol: :lol:
@ dumb bitches.
ur right this is a funny thread. But totally true and totally called for at the same time. Seriously stop making whyny threads saying how much "u hate bodoms new stuff or they sucked live or blah blah blah bitch and complain" seriously no one gives a shit. What purpose does it serve to come online and bitch and compalin about bands? Be happy you even went to see them. There are some hardcore fans that would have given there left testicle to go. You build up the bands to be super fuckin godly heroes and shit, and then when they make a mistake you cry like a bunch of little girls, they are only human shit happens deal with it. If it bugs you that much that they dont play perfectly or they didnt play your favourite song then dont listen to them and stay the fuck off the forum. I totally agree with BodomTerrorOverGermany there is far worse shit that could have happened. And if your mad it can be perfected live then go listen to some lip syncing pop shit instead, im pretty sure the computer can play it perfectly. *rolls eyes* Lofton0788, i totally agree with you about them not being true bodom fans if they want to change a crutial ingredient like Alexi.