James LaBrie Tour Cancelled

Hmm...interesting. I know Peter has come over here time and time again with Darkane, so I'm guessing it's either the guitarist and/or bassist. It could be the timeframe too though. This tour was put together rather quickly.

Riendeau is American, and I believe that Marco lives in NYC. It has to be Peter.
They say we live in what is supposed to be the "most FREE country" in the world but it is just insane the amount of anxiety and effort overseas musicians (and promoters) have to deal with just to play music in the US....dear god make it stop!

Musicians and citizens from the US can fly freely, without any prior paperwork whatsoever to more countries than I can count. They welcome us with open arms....and yes, even the passport control people smile and often say "enjoy your stay".

I got stopped this past tour at the train station in Aschaffenburg and was asked by two undercover police agents to see my passport (Europe was on high alert then). They apologized in advance and said it was just a spot check. After 2 minutes of light conversation and asking me who I was and why I was there both policeman lit up like a christmas tree and expressed how sad they were that they had to work the night of our show and could not attend the concert. They apologized again, smiled and shared with me a hearty "please enjoy the rest of your tour in Europe"...very cool indeed.

Coming back into the US is no sweet piece of candy either. Hell, JOP gets more grief, dirty looks and attitude from our own border/customs patrol than any other country we have visited including Turkey (which our lovely government says that we should think twice about traveling there and many other European countries). I for one found the Turkish people/fans adoring and even grown men weeping at the site of Oliva finally coming to Turkey to play for them. It was an emotional experience that you would have to see to believe.

My point is obvious. And I understand homeland security BS..blah-blah-blah.
But for gods sake, these people are just hard-working musicians who by playing the US generate concert revenue and the almighty TAX DOLLAR. It's just utter insanity and another reason why the rest of the world has such a sour impression of our country....actually, it's our government and it's their policies they hate....not the people! But most americans won't realize that until they have been to these "bad places" and actually TALK to their citizens. Then you just come home pissed at what you previously heard on the boob tube.

They say we live in what is supposed to be the "most FREE country" in the world but it is just insane the amount of anxiety and effort overseas musicians (and promoters) have to deal with just to play music in the US....dear god make it stop!

Musicians and citizens from the US can fly freely, without any prior paperwork whatsoever to more countries than I can count. They welcome us with open arms....and yes, even the passport control people smile and often say "enjoy your stay".

I got stopped this past tour at the train station in Aschaffenburg and was asked by two undercover police agents to see my passport (Europe was on high alert then). They apologized in advance and said it was just a spot check. After 2 minutes of light conversation and asking me who I was and why I was there both policeman lit up like a christmas tree and expressed how sad they were that they had to work the night of our show and could not attend the concert. They apologized again, smiled and shared with me a hearty "please enjoy the rest of your tour in Europe"...very cool indeed.

Coming back into the US is no sweet piece of candy either. Hell, JOP gets more grief, dirty looks and attitude from our own border/customs patrol than any other country we have visited including Turkey (which our lovely government says that we should think twice about traveling there and many other European countries). I for one found the Turkish people/fans adoring and even grown men weeping at the site of Oliva finally coming to Turkey to play for them. It was an emotional experience that you would have to see to believe.

My point is obvious. And I understand homeland security BS..blah-blah-blah.
But for gods sake, these people are just hard-working musicians who by playing the US generate concert revenue and the almighty TAX DOLLAR. It's just utter insanity and another reason why the rest of the world has such a sour impression of our country....actually, it's our government and it's their policies they hate....not the people! But most americans won't realize that until they have been to these "bad places" and actually TALK to their citizens. Then you just come home pissed at what you previously heard on the boob tube.


Excellent post.
As Jeremy pointed out, he just got us (A Thousand Shields) confirmed to open that show, so we were most disappointed. It was the best news and the worst news our band could receive within a few ours of each other.

I'm just glad we heard the news before I submitted the order for the Napalm Death shirt I was going to purchase for our singer to wear on stage! haha (Re: slightly obscure, comedic reference to the "Pull Me Under" video)

That would have been great. HAHAS I most say that made me take a double take at the video. Same thing when I saw the singer of Seventh Wonder (I believe it was) sporting The Exploited in the promo video of this past Progpower.
American musicians just don't want foreigners taking their jobs! Support American metal. This message brought to you by the Local 666.