Jaxx 1/21 show was pretty good

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
12 hour drive to get there... snowy conditions... one misplaced Connecticut native, a Georgia native, and a Finnish Swede... on the road to see Opeth...

The venue was pretty cool, decent sound, but the stage was really low. My 'home base' venue, the Masquerade, has the stage as high as the railing in front of this one.

Brave rocked. I've been waiting literally years to see them. Michelle is very *purr* and when she found out who I was she hhuuggeeddd me, causing the girls I was with to be quite jealous. They thought she was hot too. ;) Scored the new While Heaven Wept CD as well with Michelle's help and can't wait to hear it when I get home.

Skipped Tapping the Vein to hang out with about 234872389423894623642374623 DC area musicians... freaky that there are SO MANY bands in the area that DON'T suck... I can think of seriously 2 bands in the Atlanta area that don't suck... but from what I hear, skipping TtV was a good choice.

I was greatly surprised that Paradise Lost had as many supporters as they did... I stopped following them after Draconian Times, and all I ever read is 'sell out', 'used to be metal'. 'doesn't play old stuff anymore.' Well they played some old stuff, including As I Die, which I NEVER thought I'd hear live since I couldn't go to their show here with Morbid Angel and Kreator I think it was back in 93. Their newer stuff wasn't much my thing but it still was some pretty rockin' stuff and they were quite the professional band. Glad to see they didn't meet with a cricket chirping response as I thought.

Opeth was Opeth. YAY! Advent was my favorite song of the set, probably just because it's off of my favorite album of theirs, but can't say anything was bad... wish they'd play more and different Orchid/Morningrise stuff though... Black Rose Immortal on the next tour swing guys! Even the Deliverance stuff sounded good live (I think the album suffers to me from my expectations of Damnation) although I don't have the orgasm for the end of the Deliverance song that apparently everyone else has. Excellent show though, Mikael's voice sounded better than I've heard it...

... and from what I've heard now,(was very very very very very very very lucky enough to get on the bus for a couple of minutes...), we're in very good hands this spring and all my anticipation for a certain something seems to be very well-founded. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Anyway, dunno who reads this board or not but Jim, Trenton, and Tony get BIG thanks from me for being helpful and nice for our trip (not leaving til tomorrow!), and a big thanks to all the people and bands (especially Mikael!) who knew who I was and acted surprised to meet me, which impressed the hell of my girls that I WAS a famous music journalist after all... ;)
I attended that show along with Lina and Soul4Raziel, and I have to say that Opeth was a bit sloppy. I thought they played most of the songs too fast (even faster than usual playing live speed-up that occurs with all bands). Also Peter couldn't seem to keep his guitar in tune; he had to switch mid set. This was the third time I've seen Opeth and they only played one song I had never heard them play before (Godhead's Lament) outside of the Deliverance stuff.

Its always great to see Opeth and hear the songs I've listened to for so many hours, but I came away with a grain of salt from this show.
Man! I had a great time at the show! Opeth always delivers.

Jim, I saw you in the crowd and thought you looked familiar but couldn't place you...! Now I know, heh.

I thought Opeth sounded very good last night, even with the minor messy bits and feedback and all. It's all part of the live experience. I was standing mid-to-left about halfway back on the floor and the acoustics were quite nice. 'Deliverance' was mind-blowing, especially the outro; I've been waiting to see that performed live since I first heard it. And hearing 'Godhead's Lament' in a live setting was fantastic, too. Mikael's quip "where's our fucking royalties?" in regard to the "Still Life" album was hilarious. Way to go, Mikael.

All in all it was a great evening. I missed most of TTV's set, which didn't sound so bad, like people have been bitching about. Where's the musical tolerance? I only caught three songs, but I enjoyed what I heard. Paradise Lost was good, but their newer material seemed a little dull in comparison with their older stuff. I really dug the older material they played, the stuff from Draconian Times especially. But when they played 'Smalltown Boy' the crowd seemed to stiffen at the singer's homosexual reference... come on, people, it's a song, so fucking what!!! I swear you could have heard crickets chirp after he introduced the song.

So who was the dude in the white shirt and glasses holding the "ULTIMATE METAL" sign? I wanted to get over and say hey, but never got around to it. Good way to attract fellow UM board users.

Can't wait for the Damnation tour!
Originally posted by COnsiderateApathy
So who was the dude in the white shirt and glasses holding the "ULTIMATE METAL" sign? I wanted to get over and say hey, but never got around to it. Good way to attract fellow UM board users.
This guy? :lol:


S4R and I waded our way over to see who it was, but I couldn't really hear his name. :s Sounded like KillKvissen. He said he only posts occasionally.

The only other board person I saw was Autumn Falls, who was cool. Jim, I didn't see you, even though we were on the look-out!

Sorry to be a party pooper, but I thought that Opeth played pretty poorly -- really sloppy and rushed, like they just wanted to get through it. And I still don't understand the choice of Credence. But it's Opeth, so it was still a fucking great time! I was headbanging like crazy.

And I thought the sound was horrible! It pretty much ruined Brave's set, they were disappointed about that. Jaxx is so hit or miss, sometimes great, sometimes bad.

I was wearing a Daylight Dies shirt, and they played "No Reply" in between all the bands, so I was rocking out to that. And then I was walking around, and I ran into Barre and Guthrie from the band! :eek: Haha, so that was awesome that they came up for the show.

All in all, a great night, and I can't wait for the House of Blues show in Chicago next week! :headbang:
ha.. i was wondering who was holding that sign too..

but didnt feel like walking down to the floor to find out, and losing my spot with a great view ... in front of the back bar, just to the left of the soundboard... always seems to be where i go to stand everytime at jaxx, unelss the floor is really open.
Originally posted by Lina
Sorry to be a party pooper, but I thought that Opeth played pretty poorly -- really sloppy and rushed, like they just wanted to get through it. And I still don't understand the choice of Credence. But it's Opeth, so it was still a fucking great time! I was headbanging like crazy.

That's too bad. Sounds like a totally different experience that Worcester - they played with no rushed feeling, and the sound as almost perfect for a live show.

Did they play for 1:40? That's how long they were on stage @ Worcester.
Originally posted by Jim LotFP
... and from what I've heard now,(was very very very very very very very lucky enough to get on the bus for a couple of minutes...), we're in very good hands this spring and all my anticipation for a certain something seems to be very well-founded. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Tell more.
...I guess because it was my first Opeth show. I do agree the sound was a bit off but I think it was Jaxx fault more then Opeth. Sure they did played a bit hurried up at times but since I do not have the means to go to other parts of the country or Europe to see them perform live I was just happy to see it. Also meeting the entire band earlier that afternoon was not bad either:):):):):). They are such great guys, so chill and everything. I now have a shirt with Mike's and Martin's autographs on it that will never be washed again. Well maybe once cause I was wearing it last night but yea you get the idea, haha. Anyway Opeth is the best!!!
Hrmm.. sorry that many of you guys didn't dig Opeth's performance.. for me it was spectacular except for a few moments but I can definately forgive any fuck ups for the sheer awesome-nality of the show. Uhmm.. right..

Anyway.. Brave was good.. I really dug the one song that I think was from the old AFT days.. the one where Michelle sings the guitar line..


I don't know.. it was rad meeting Lina and Soul4Raziel though.. though it was rather hard to hear between sets and awkward for me leaning forward over the steps on a stool..

I just wrote a much longer post but it didn't work and I don't feel like writing it again so in short:
This was my fifth show, worst of all of the shows I have seen. But mostly not Opeth's fault. I would also reiterate what Dune666 said

TTV- not that bad (at least she can sing)

Paradise lost- this band fucking sucks, they should end it (bland, boring , no originality)

Opeth- Sound guy at Jaxx apparently was born yesterday. He doesn't realize sound guy basics ( even if you don't know how the band should sound, turn up the high and low and leave out mids. This guy emphasized nothing but mids for the first half of the show and made the band sound terrrible.) I wanted to break a bottle over his head.
And what?? nothing from Orchid!!!! I was fucking pissed. Yes I am one of those guys that loves every album but knows that the first three are why opeth is amazing.

Three years ago I went all the way to Liepzig to see opeth, If this is the future of Opeth tours I won't drive an hour, I'll buy the CD and have a much better experience in my car.
I'll agree that the sound could have been much better.

but I have heard MUCH worse, overall it was decent enough for me.

though I really do doubt that the sound guys at jaxx know what they're doing.
Based on these reviews of the Jaxx show, and comparing it to Worcester/NYC reviews, it certainly sounds like Jaxx sucked that night.

I know how I would feel if that was my first Opeth experience, but lucky for me that was not the case in MA. I'll say it again - almost perfect in every way - sound, lighting, ambiance, and the feeling that Opeth wanted to be there and was not in a hurry to go anywhere.
I had a good time. I liked Brave alot. TTV was alright at times but only because of the singing. Paradise Lost was good but too boring for me.

Opeth was great. In my opinion.

I did have more fun at the first Opeth gig 2 years ago with Amorphis though, only because It was Opeth & Amorphis
Damn you guys are picky. Peter fucked up at a few parts in one song but that's about all I heard that was really lacking in their performance. Their sound was great, it made them seem much heavier.

Hopefully next tour they add a lot more dates so we don't get all you pricks from down south invading our club :) That place was too crowded. I could barely see the band.
I'm Glad everyone that went to Jaxx pretty much had a good time. I missed this show. Sorry but i will be at the show tonight at the trocadero. I seen two shows so far on this tour(Worcester,NewYork) and the Worcester show was my favorite of two. It was just so magical! Great Guitar sound! Just Amazing. I know Paradise Lost should play As I Die again in Philadelphia so i can hear them play that one. A fan in New York asked for it and the singer for paradise lost said no and played another song. I hope Paradise Lost gets a clue and plays old stuff too and Whip out the Death Vocals too! I was checking out the Paradise Lost stuff before they sold out and they should go back to doing that stuff. Anyway, Opeth should sound great on the trocadero pa system. So anyone who seen a less then great show at Jaxx should drive up to Philly and see this show! First Show in Philadelphia! Hope to see all the beautiful Opeth fans there!