1/21 Jaxx show... who'll be there?

where's everyone staying? I got my tickets yesterday....my wife and i are debating the hotel vs. bed and breakfast thing, since the bed and breakfasts in the DC area seem to be cheaper and better sometimes...

anyway, we'll be there
Originally posted by EyeAm
I hate school.... I won't be going, but I hope Jaxx doesn't fuck up again. I went to the SyX show there and we had to wait outside for 2+ hours in the freezing cold without any news on what was happening. The people that work their are ass holes and make sure you don't bring a camera or anything... even if they don't tell you (which they didn't do with MANY people) they'll kick you out.

Standing in that fucking line for 3 hours was hell, man. I really hated that, Jaxx has never done that before so I didnt bother bringing a heavy jacket or anything. God, that sucked.
Are you all talking about Jaxx in Springfield Va? I live by it and it sucks.,,..,i had to wait 3 hours outside in the cold for the Symphony X/Blind Guardian show and by the time i got up to the front the damn tickets were sold out......:mad:
I'm so glad I didn't go to that Blind Guardian show. I was smart-- I went to the much less advertised Sunday show, at which there were maybe 100-150 people, tops. :)