Jaxx 1/21 show was pretty good

It was my first time seeing Opeth, but I thought they were amazing. Nearly flawless, at least where it counted.

My biggest complaint was Tapping the Vein. They had a decent sound, but I was quite unimpressed with the way their singer conducted herself. At one point, someone from the crowd yelled, "play some slayer!" and she got all pissed off, calling them an ass and generally whining about how they had it rough being an opening band, etc etc... I found it quite boorish and unprofessional. The crowd already wasn't on her wave, so instead of trying to win us over, she attacked. It was quite embarassing. I was embarassed FOR her. I don't think TtV won many fans that night.

But Opeth made up for it in spades.
I have to agree with Izzy and Frayed. I thought it was a pretty damn good performance ( of course the beer didn't hurt, either ). My only complaint was they didn't play long enough and nothing from
"Orchid". Oh well, it was still worth the eight hour drive.
See you guy's at the "Damnation" show.
Thanks for the memories, Madkill. It was a great show. I started out closer to the back, but got pulled into the pit and ended pretty damn close. It was amazing. Next time I want to be RIGHT UP FRONT.
Yup, to the far right, next to the speakers. I always try to go to the front to both enjoy the band I'm seeing and take pics.

That was an awesome show, didn't enjoy the opening bands, but Opeth more than made up for them.