jazz for metalheads (an offshoot of the classical thread)

This thread is a good idea. I've been looking for some jazz.

I was listening to Harry James the other day. He's pretty good. I also like the Cherry Poppin' Daddies and their whole neo-swing thing.

Oh, and this should have probably been posted in the Non-Metal forum.
^ Hell yes. Inner Mounting Flame is essential, as is Birds of Fire and my fave Between Nothingness and Eternity.

Also in a different vein, check out EST (esbjorn svensson trio). More classically tinged jazz, often very mellow but builds to massive crescendoes. I like it more than most jazz because I often find jazz devoid of emotion.

Herbie Hancock and Miles Davis are great too, but not really something I would prescribe to a metalhead.

And may I heartily endorse all the praise for ephel duath. Even if their new album does suck. Get Painter's Palette. And Rephormula is also excellent but more electronic black metal (one of the most under-rated black metal albums ever in my opinion).

And no one has mentioned Dillinger Escape Plan yet. Excellent musicians but I find them too abstract for my tastes.

There's also a side-project of the guys from Agalloch called Sculptured who claim to be jazz-metal but I don't think they are. Standard metal with the odd blast of horns does not make it jazz metal. Not particularly good.
I don't think Ephel Duath's latest isn't that bad. I quite enjoy it.

and Sculptured are not jazz metal. Anderson likes to call it "matrix metal" because of how he's been writing the music as of late.
ohiogrinder said:
good choice. John McLaughlin is a god.
One of my favorite guitarists. He played for Miles, did Mahavishnu, Shakti, played with DiMeola and Paco... very varied.