Jeff, a question my wife would like to ask you

Hey ledmag, here is what rebirth and myself said about Mr. Loomis' comments regarding the forum:

Yes, this is kind of "old news". Just let me say, "YOU CAN'T PLEASE ALL PEOPLE ALL THE TIME, AND ONLY SOME PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME". I've met Mr. Loomis on two occasions and he seemed like a pretty humble "down to earth" guy. I could be wrong, but he seems to get more uptight about things and Warrel, Van, and Jim are more laid back, at least they were when I met them.

"Jeff Loomis answers: I don't even fuckin' read it. It's on there and it's just a bunch of people arguing and talking about the stupidest shit. One person writes in about something and 500 more will write in and tell their opinion about it. It's just something that's always been there"--- And it will continue to be here. Hey, I but Jeff will accept the money shelled out for C.D.'s, tickets, merchandise, etc. from all of us "people arguing and talking about the stupidest shit." NEVERMORE is and will continue to be my favorite band, but to me Mr. Loomis's comments are a real "slap in the face" to the NEVERMORE/ "Metal/Hard music" fans. To quote an anonymous source, "OPINIONS ARE LIKE ASSHOLES, EVERYBODY'S GOT ONE AND THE MAJORITY OF THEM STINK".__________________

"In the cold embrace of the unknown,
Not even blood could bring us warmth"- NEVERMORE/CREATE THE INFINITE

Last edited by ZANEX on August 11th, 2003 at 07:43 PM.
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Posts: 784
Yesterday, 08:07 PM
he's a fucking tosser, if you can't talk about sleeping or guitars he doesn't want toPost #10rebirth

know ya...


ledmag said:
yeah, that sthe way i feel opn the topics around here.

as i said, i haev always thought less of Jeff as a person than the other neverdudes. He just proved me right with his rantings. But hey, if thats the way he feels, then fine, just as its fine that i hope he breaks every fucking finger he has.

Good to haev time to see ya around BTW DSM and Darky.

Fuck you Jeff.

Just cannot understand why you hate Jeff?!
I know Jeff personally and I think he's one of the nicest people I've ever met in and out of metal. Towards me, he's just an all-around nice guy.

I think what's really going on here is that his words are being taken way out of context by ultra-sensitive people who are just looking for something to gripe about. The bottom line is...

what he said in that interview is the truth.

I know if people whined and complained all the time like this on my band's message board, I wouldn't want to read it either.
dead_fetus said:
I know Jeff personally and I think he's one of the nicest people I've ever met in and out of metal. Towards me, he's just an all-around nice guy.

I think what's really going on here is that his words are being taken way out of context by ultra-sensitive people who are just looking for something to gripe about. The bottom line is...

what he said in that interview is the truth.

I know if people whined and complained all the time like this on my band's message board, I wouldn't want to read it either.
What He said?

anyway, i think Jeff is a cool guy, but i don't know him personally, so give me his phone number. :D
I don't think anyone here hates Jeff Loomis, and maybe what he said was taken out of context. He was nice to me when I met him, but I think ledmag will agree with me that Jeff is very talented and "most" people don't want Jeff Loomis to become an Yngwie Malmsteen. This means talent=excellent, ego and attitude=arrogant and crap.
ledmag said:
fuck off Kiyardo if your tryin to get shit started with me again. Yeah, im in my 30's.

Calm down dude. I was just asking a question. If anyone around here is about stirring up defecation it is you. I'm surprised the mods haven't deleted this thread slamming Jeff Loomis. I assume it's all just joking around in fun.
ZANE>>>Your right on all the way. I love it when someone can make sence of my rantings.

Kyardo>>>Same here, just asked....but yes, im married. Notice, i mentioned not the part about being intellegent. ....that would be a matter of opinion wouldnt it.
also, if its deleted, then it happens. I would say it will not be.

to the rest of you wondering>>>You dont have to understand. I dont hate him. BUt yeah, i have always saw him as a half putz. That has never changed my mind about the band being great. And as far as it being true about the state of this forum, yes its true, its a joke, but it seems to be what the FANS want. The FANS being the most important thing. All im doing with this thread is shoving it in Jeffs face. We the fans haev no chioce but to accept what he said about the 500 ppl thing. Can he accept what ive said? Im still going to buy the merchindise, im still gonna to a show if possible. Will he try to get me banned? Will he or Wendy have this thread deleted? Dont know for sure. If it gets deleted, and if Jeff has it done, then he is a big fat ass baby who needed fat billy to slug him instead WD. SO in reality, it matters not how i feel about Jeff or anyone else....cause nevermore is and will be my fav band....just cause they are.
And dont think i havnt pointed out a few dicky things about Jim before, cause i have. He acted liek a baby when his finger wass all bandaged up. Jumping WDs ass ON STAGE and what not.........

SO, just take it this way, Just cause teh band is my fav doesnt mean i haev to kiss their ass or wrship them as gods.
The_Children_of_Decadence said:
What He said?

anyway, i think Jeff is a cool guy, but i don't know him personally, so give me his phone number. :D

Yeah it's 206-94....

wait, no.... sorry ;)
The reason why "some" people get pissed off at ledmag and rebirth is best summed up by the "ledman" himself:

"SO, just take it this way, Just cause teh band is my fav doesnt mean i haev to kiss their ass or wrship them as gods."

In other words ledmag and rebirth "call it like they see it" and neither one sugar coats anything. Personally, I'm a huge KISS, AEROSMITH,and VAN HALEN (Roth era) fan. Just because David Lee Roth has a huge ego doesn't mean I'm going to hate him and his music. Even though I claim myself as a fan of the afore mentioned people, this doesn't mean I have to like everything "they" put out. For example, I think KISS and AEROSMITH need to "bow out gracefully". KISS- In my opinion, PSYCHO CIRCUS was shit and I think the band is "deceiving" fans by continuing the "Farewell Tour" without Ace Frehley and/or Peter Criss. Hell, I can't keep track of who is in the band now, I think Tommy Thayer is taking Ace's place. AEROSMITH-I dislike everything the band has done since PUMP through present day. But with both KISS, AEROSMITH, DAVID LEE ROTH, I will appreciate the good music they have given the world, and put aside the fact that they are/where "HUGE ROCK STARS", and at the end of the day, we are all human beings and everyone shits the same, not unless they stand on their head.