Just saw Opeth in Hollywood...


New Metal Member
May 20, 2001
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Greetings all. This is my first post on this forum, but it certainly won't be the last. I've been listening to Opeth for about a year now, and they've definitely proven themselves (as you all know) to be one of the most talented bands in existence...
I fortunately had the wonderful opportunity to see them play live, two days ago at the Key Club in Hollywood.

It was fucking incredible.

At first, the crowd was a bit rude to them, mimicking Mikael's death-growl as the band got their equipment set up, but as soon as the guy spoke...man, everyone shut the hell up.
Despite his somewhat slight build, his voice has a deep, resonating presence. He spoke very little, but when he did, the words were well-chosen and in perfect English. "White Cluster" was the first one they played, and I was in awe.

To my great happiness, they played "The Drapery Falls" second, definitely my favorite song off Blackwater Park. I was curious as to how they were going to do the acoustic portions of the song, but they pulled it off with the clean, reverberated electric quite well.

All in all, they had enough time to play about 7 songs...and by the last one, the crowd was begging for more.

What I enjoyed most about their show was the perfect balancing of instrumentation (vocs included). The drummer (pardon me I don't know the other member's names) sounded excellent, the second guitarist and the bassist played superbly. Before this day, I hadn't realized that Mikael played guitar and sang at the same time... some of the riffs he pulled off while both growling and during the melodic vocs were extremely complex!

Anyway, if anyone has any questions about the show or whatever, I'd be more than happy to answer...

Take care.

I had tickets to the Opeth/Nevermore show in Worcester, MA, but my daughter ended up in the hospital, so I missed it. Anyways, I don't want to whine. Did the live performance have the feeling of depth that their albums do? I was really curious how a band like Opeth could translate their music to a live performance.
If you also saw Nevermore, how were they?
Hi. I hope your daughter's alright.
I saw them twice within less than a month, in Springfield Va. I can say that yes, technically they are as proficient and musically complex live as they are on the albums. The problem is that the sound systems in these venues cannot accurately or clearly replicate their sound. unfortunately, they are geared towards the mosh-pit/crowd surfers for the most part. When I saw them for the first time in April, the sound was incredible...but when I went back earlier this month, you could barely discriminate between notes.

Regardless though, when I first saw them it was one of the most incredible and moving live performances i've ever witnessed. The way Mikael sings and plays simultaneously with such aplomb is just fascinating. And the rest of the band really knows how to rock out with him.

this is also my first post on this board, and i was also at the concert at the key club. all i can say is that it was absolutely amazing. Necrodreamist, where were you standing? i was right in front of the the bass player, up against the stage, i was wearing a long sleave orchid shirt. i was awestruck by the show, like i said absolutely amazing, after the show, the drummer walked down, shook my hand and gave me a drum stick, and i had the opportunity to meet all the guys, and get martin to sign the drum stick, and get all of them to sign a shirt. it was by far one of the best concert experiences i have had. and my first time to see the band live. nevermore was also very good, i had seen them before, they put on a very good show. at the end of the set warrel told everyone to get up on stage, and security told him he couldn't do that or something, and he just said "oops" as about half the people on the floor went up on stage, there must have been 30 or 40 people up there, it was great. overall probably the best show i have ever seen, opeth was fantastic, and nevermore was a good bonus. the first band god forbid didn't play, which didn't really bother me, because both opeth and nevermore got longer sets, but does anyone know why they didn't play, just curious. anyways, thanks
I saw Opeth in Hollywood, and I must say they were incredilble. Unfortunately I missed the first song,which I heard was White Cluster. I know they also played The Drapery Falls, Forest of October, and Demon of the Fall. Not having, Morningrise or My Arms Your Hearse, I didn't recognize the other songs. What were they?

Hey all...

I'll try to answer each question here.

Yes. Their sound quality was extremely well-mixed. This was a club that recieves some pretty popular bands, and is therefore accustomed to properly balancing the music for the attendees. Each instrument played its role. The drums were fantastically precise and dense, the guitars and bass harmonized well, and Mikael's vocals were excellent: both his growl and melodic voice were equally audible.
Being that this was my second time seeing Nevermore, I was prepared for what their set would sound like. The new onstage decorations included two large canvases painted in oil of some of their album art; I enjoyed the ultraviolet lights which shone upon them to create an extremely eeire effect. Their set list was mostly from "Dead Heart In a Dead World", but they played a few from their past albums. I wish they would have focused a bit more on the album "Dreaming Neon Black" or something like "the Garden Of Grey" from their self-titled album, but those were for past tours... ah well. Warrell Dane was chugging beer the entire set, which led to him being a bit brash to the crowd at times, but all in all, the band were good showmen and gracious of their fans.
Yes, they played "White Cluster" as the first song. It was great.

I think I remember you, man. Being that I was paying attention to the shirts that the people there were wearing, I noticed a guy wearing an Orchid shirt. I remember thinking, "cool, that guy saw Opeth when they were touring their first album". You wear glasses, right? I, on the other hand, was the only human in the place that was carrying a clipboard. It was to jot down notes for a review of the concert (that I actually just finished last night). I'm going to try to send it in to a few metal pages; possibly metal-rules, metalmeltdown, and ultimate metal. The only problems I'm encountering with that is that I can't find the damn person to send it to.
That's pretty rad you were able to be right up there in the front. I was with two friends, and they unfortunately weren't fond of my idea to move toward the stage. The experience must have been pretty intense for you, hopefully none of those bastards in the mosh pit gave you any trouble. Did you see that girl in pit, shoving and butting her head with the 250 pound gorillas? Seeing that made me laugh pretty hard, man.
Yeah, it was surprising for me as well when Warrell told the crowd to come onstage. I was thinking, "uhh, does he realize that the Key Club probably tries to AVOID that happening to their stage?" Also not to my surprise, that chunky individual hopped over to Warrell and whispered something that was probably like "you can't do that, man!!" By that time, as you can probably remember, it was too late! That stage was so packed that I was truly nervous that at least one of the band members was going to be pushed off. What did you guys do up there? That must have been fucking COOL. Did everyone give the band room to move? Van William's drums must have been eardrum shattering! You're a lucky individual!
Anyway, take it easy guys, I'll probably see you on the board soon...


Samsara's not necessarily infinite! Cessation and the bliss of nirvana are achievable through realization of the four noble truths and following the noble eight-fold path!
All that aside... what was said in '01 is a good example of how the forums would look like without the bullshit we put up with (and indulge in) now.
Damn, I was gonna ask about how Axe was playing. Anybody been to a really recent show? If so, has Axe hitting his straps because I've heard he's sounding a LOT better and I'm really interested to know how he's doing.