Just visited the sevenstring.org forum for the first time...

I've spent much time on there.

It's basically bedroom warriors who tend to think quite highly of themselves.
A differing opinion is frowned upon.
I like a handful of people on there, but most of the original members jumped ship.

The world revolves around reputation points there, it's actually pretty funny.
I'm fairly sure the most-used words are 'djent', 'IMO/IMHO', 'Misha' and 'Superior Drummer'.
The world revolves around reputation points there, it's actually pretty funny.
I'm fairly sure the most-used words are 'djent', 'IMO/IMHO', 'Misha' and 'Superior Drummer'.

Dude yes. I skimmed over the first 5-6 pages in the recording subforum and those are the words I saw every other thread/post lol.

Glad I'm not the only one who's not a fan of the forum.
The mods on that forum are the worst, they just hand out bans for the stupidest shit. A friend of mine actually got banned on SS because he was banned on Harmony-Central for saying something dumb, didn't even affect anyone on SS... I was talking to Bernie Rico Jr. the other day on the phone and he was making me crack up talking about the people on SS; couldn't agree with him more.

On another note - We really need some knowledgeable guys over on the Ultimate-Guitar Recording Forum. It's a lot of newbies over there, too, but if you contribute a bit to the forum, we'd be more than happy to add you to our "Studio List," so you can hopefully at least get some free publicity ;)
I used to like that board but yea it's a joke now. In a way it always kinda was but I guess once you discover a board like this most others pale in comparison. And I agree most of the mods on there are kinda dbags.
I swear those guys ban anyone who doesn't agree with them. Basically unless you only worship Meshuggah, Periphery, and some lame Power Metal bands and the mods' bands then you have no business being there.
The mods on that forum are the worst, they just hand out bans for the stupidest shit.

I got banned for arguing with Noodles about Kranks actually sounding good and there not really being such a thing as 'studio magic.' There was also some argument over whether or not reamping compressed the guitar signal, and he ended it by temp-banning me and saying that I should stop lying about studio experience that I clearly didn't have.

I was probably a dick about the whole thing, but I ultimately got perma-banned because Chris (who posts on here now, ironically; MG-Chris) thought that I was a "whiny little bitch" and that they all were "sick of [my] shit."

When I made a thread about it on another forum, he read it, and then posted a defamatory and borderline libelous thread on SS.org about me being an obnoxious, complaining little turd. Complete with links to my facebook, MySpace (at the time), soundclick, etc... accounts (none of which were linked to from either profile on SS.org or the other forum). Real fucking stand-up guy!

*edit* Just remembered - we've already discussed this. :lol:

Forgot about gems like this one:

I signed up here just to let you know that I don't remember you, but you hurt my feelings. :( You're right about Noodles though. He is bald as hell, and can't hold his liquor.

I took that whole terrible mod team with me to MG, where you are more than welcome to sign up and flirt with Shannon and Donnie.

Quite curious to see what you had written before the edit, but...

Really? because you definitely started other threads about me after I was banned and voiced my distaste for SS.org on the Seymour Duncan forum, which included digging up and posting pictures that were originally on my MySpace (which was not linked to from my account on either forum at the time).

This was, of course, AFTER I was banned. Before I was banned, you and your douche-buddy Noodles only changed my password, avatar, profile information, and signature. Not an abuse of admin powers by any means!

Sign up for metalguitarist.org? Seriously? I hate most metal heads and and I hate most guitarists - why in god's name would I want to sign up for a forum that hosts a veritable orgy of the worst from both?
Ah, it's that time again, the SS.org bash thread :)
I used to be a very active poster there, but these days I find myself lurking for about maybe 20 minutes some days and just not having anything to say at all.
I just can't relate to the obsession with tech/prog and djent. I like Meshuggah, but most of these other 'djent' bands (the ones I bothered to listen too) just don't seem to resonate with me.
It seems like I've basically discovered almost all the prog metal stuff I need to know. I just can't be bothered to go out of my way to go into those threads to hear what most of these tech/prog bands sound like because the few times I did give these bands a shot it just sounded like random, non-related musical ideas mish mashed together and called a 'song'. Sounds more like a terrible avant-garde metal experiment to my ears most of the time, but whatever.
I just get the feeling almost all the other bands are going to be along those lines, so I don't bother. I may be missing out on the odd diamond in the rough, but it's just too much effort to wade through all of those threads to find it.

I've experienced/seen worse metal elitist on this board than on SS.org to be honest and people do appreciate a wide variety of music, but the problem is a lot of those threads end up getting buried underneath all the tech/prog/shred/djent threads.

Some insanely talented guitarists on there too and some of the guys I've met IRL from that board were genuinely fantastic dudes.
I'll continue to lurk there and occasionally make the odd post every few days, but otherwise I don't see myself ever finding that place interesting enough to warrant spending hours on there and posting much.
Jeff, Ola, and Myself were all banned for differing opinions on gear. My ban was over down talking the AxeFX which to them is the holy grail of everything that is tone. While it SOUNDS good its still not the same....but that's for another thread.
Jeff, Ola, and Myself were all banned for differing opinions on gear. My ban was over down talking the AxeFX which to them is the holy grail of everything that is tone. While it SOUNDS good its still not the same....but that's for another thread.

Maybe you were banned for differing opinions on gear, but that wasn't the reason why Ola was banned.
Ola was banned for posting his videos in the wrong section which wasn't following the rules.

I don't agree with his perma ban though, surely just a short, temporary ban would have been enough to get the message across, but ultimately that's not my decision to make unfortunately.
SS.org's loss for banning something like him that would attract positive attention for the site and attract new members.
His videos continue to get posted there in the Gear section quite frequently to help give people an idea of what certain amps sound like, so he's still getting quite decent exposure over there.
I lurk there quite often but also have very little to add. I post every once in a while to help noobs with technical questions that no one else has answered.

I agree with most of the above... there are a few good guys on there, though. I'll buy/sell stuff sometimes on the marketplace forums; there's a ton of stuff always getting posted so that's a plus. I've done a few deals, and always had a good experience.

It's cool to look through the guitar photos threads, but not much else. Once in a while I'll go into the recording forum, but get bored at seeing all the "axe-fx/superior drummer djent mixtests". Once in a while there's some cool stuff, though.
only visited a few times because my google search landed me there i dont remember much more than that.
However having this forum no need to go anywhere really :kickass:
I also landed there for the first time a few days ago, and it definitely was all about "how do djent? ¯\(°_o)/¯"

Needless to say, I didn't spend a lot of time there. I couldn't find a whole lot of useful information, and there really weren't any discussions worth contributing to.
Jeff, Ola, and Myself were all banned for differing opinions on gear. My ban was over down talking the AxeFX which to them is the holy grail of everything that is tone. While it SOUNDS good its still not the same....but that's for another thread.

Guru, bro, I love ya like a brother but that's NOT why you were banned. That wasn't the reason Ola got banned, either. If you want to bitch about moderation, that's fine, just be real about what happened and why.

Jeff, at least, has somewhat of a beef, but it was a different place then.