
It was great indeed, although I wish my weekend would have been free of incidents so I could have come earlier en stayed longer, and be in a slightly better mood ;)
And next time we need moar guitars!

I'll try to upload some pics tonight.

Btw, the photo of the narrow street in the Steven Wilson book... I think it's a different one from the album I was talking about after all...

Summary of Kata- meeting # 4 (December 2008)

Arrival of Unicorn and Cis at Mad Tinus' place in Zeist/ Netherlands.
We go shopping, spend at least one hour in the supermarket, then return to Tinus' place.
Listen to the new Bloodbath album, discuss it.
Camille and Juniper arrive.
Grouphugging. :)
Caketime. :)
Airdrumming by Mad Tinus, he is very talented and we wonder why he never started to play any real instrument.
We watch Camille's and Cis' latest dvd appearances on Roundhouse Tapes and Wacken Carnage (feat. Opeth and Bloodbath...) *applause applause* The other forumers are obviously a little jealous 'cause they haven't released any famous dvd's yet... :p ;)
Pizza and salad are being prepared in the kitchen; motherhood- kids- parents is the topic in the living room.
We watch and discuss the Katatonia- Krakow dvd during dinner.
The forum meeting officially decides that Katatonia will have to include Chrome to their setlist again!!!! :rock:
We argue about which Kata- song/ album is the saddest. Apparently, they're all quite sad. :waah:
Cerulean joins the meeting, now we're complete (apart from the regulars Swany and Vincent who couldn't come this time).
Mad Tinus keeps asking everyone what they think about the new Bloodbath album and isn't always pleased with the responses.
We listen to various other music, search for inspiration for the traditional Katameeting unplugged session, watch the Dissolving Bonds video from meeting #2 and are proud of the many positive you tube comments.
The guitar (only one this time) gets passed around but none of our 3 guitar heroes is able to come up with something suitable. Not Evidence again. Maybe a non- Katasong? A few Anathema songs seem to work out pretty well.
All of a sudden, Unicorn is able to play Sweet Nurse- great! Everyone knows and likes it. Record!
Next try: Teargas. Mad Tinus helps us to recall the lyrics in the most hilarious way... we end up laughing instead of actually playing/ singing the song. :lol::lol::lol:
Cerulean plays Advent by Opeth, what an incredibly long song! But noone knows any lyrics. Nice performance nevertheless.
Without God unplugged.
More (homemade) pizza is served to allay the late night hunger.
We listen to the July ep, try to play Unfurl but it doesn't really happen. Spontaneous imitation of Katatonia's stage performace to the sound of July. Camille turns into Anders, Cis turns into Mattias. :danceboy:
Juniper sleeps; a final drink and then we calm down and go to sleep as well.:zzz:
Late wake up and afternoon breakfast; Unicorn teaches Camille a Bach song, sounds very nice.
We listen to the mountain metal of In The Woods and various female fronted stuff from Juniper's collection.
Before Cerulean leaves we take a pic of the whole group doing the classic Kata- pose.
While Mad Tinus is beginning to tidy up the place, Juniper and Unicorn play a beautiful Eva Cassidy song and we adore her voice.:worship:
Juniper reveals her true musical background and does some funny Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys karaoke.:kickass:
We decorate a baby cup for Juniper's child with our autographs.
Unicorn and Cis take farewell, Camille and Juniper are heading to Utrecht soon and Mad Tinus probably spends the rest of the evening with housework...

I certainly forgot to mention one thing or another, feel free to add it.

Lots of hugs to all of you!!!!!!!!
I think that's it, can't think of anything you forgot.. :)

Pics! Quite some of them were a bit unfocussed/moved, so here's a few that came out alright.

Me and Camille in utter joy

Camille and Patty rockin'!

Cool Markus, a voracious Camille and a slightly hazy Patty

No meeting without a pic of Patty sleeping

Camille is in the Opeth dvd, she (and many other fans leaving the venue) is being interviewed during the ending credits. Cis is in the Bloodbath Wacken Carnage dvd, she appears a few times very clearly during the first 2 songs.
:D What a great summary of Cis and nice pics Martijn (next time I wont go to bed untill all the camera's are gone!! )
It was such a nice night and it was sooo good seeing you all again.
Thank you dear Sabine for the drinkingcup for ze bebie, signed and all :rock:
I will have to teach the little sprout all the Katatraditionz , Meeting at least once a year, bringing a homemade cake *Jamm*, doing The Pose , Drumming on Knees and recording a Katacover :D
And thank you Martijn for hosting another meeting !!
Just got home! Drooping with tiredness and germinating with seeds of excitement from all the positive activity on the kata-board!

Fuckin' A time! "MJAAAAAM!" : )

"Thanks" are extended and stressed particularly to Patty for looking after me, stimulating me with highly academic debates ("vessel of intelligence"), Klimting, Caspar Daviding across Amsterdam, "biological" feasts and public transport athletics ; )

How do you write "cuddlebeast" in Dutch again?

Thank you to Martijn for being the party breadwinner. Those pizzas were top shizzle! Dying to see Sabine's recording of 'Teargas' comedy...

Markus for teaching me true music wizardry although could you send me the guitar tabs for bach again...? o: ) So good to see you after such a long, lonnnnnnnng time!

Sabine, you HAVE to send me that cake recipe. Fuckin' MJAAAAAAM! I have had the good fortune of seeing you 4 times this year. Respect and love for driving Markus too!

Gorik - a huge pleasure to meet you at last! I hope the vandalism on your car has been fully straightened out... respect for making it man. Need to learn 'Advent' on guitar now, haha!

Right I'm pooped. Need to sleep.

Cheers to another immensely successful meeting, courtesy of all the bright and colourful attendees : )

Hope to catch Lia and Vince at the next readily available opportunity! Candles were lit : )

Hails to everyone else. Fingers crossed for US Kata-conferences

Camille is in the Opeth dvd, she (and many other fans leaving the venue) is being interviewed during the ending credits. Cis is in the Bloodbath Wacken Carnage dvd, she appears a few times very clearly during the first 2 songs.
Damn. The end of my Opeth dvd won't play. Guess that's why I missed that one, and I haven't seen Wacken Carnage yet.

You changed your avatar...
Does that mean you've got the other vids up as well :)??
And any more pics coming from anyone maybe??
I only made a few and they turned out to dark this was actually the only one
worth posting


Martijn making music !!
On a beer bottle ;)