Katatonia + dreams

hahaha... Grat Toronto Area must say...
and usless psychological fact: nightmares where yer following from an endless pit, or beig chased by monster, animals etc... are an evolutionary defense mechanism so ppl are afreaid of such things... weee i love my psych class :D
Good to know...but I hardly think Jonas was a monster in my dreams...more like an angry zombie

I have a couple of friends who graduates a couple of years ago from the engineering department at University of Toronto
smart people, very few get into that program... i have to stay in life science, i like psych and forensic sci anyways...
no dreams tonite :P
I had my first Katatonia dream (that I can remember) last night.

The main plot:

Jonas gave autographs and some fans took pictures of him. He wasn't wery happy about the situation because he had tried to stay anonymous. (or something) I walked closer because I had never seen Jonas live before. He told me to fuck off because he didn't want to give more autographs. Some fans didn't believe him and surrounded him. Jonas was mad and punched someone who fell and apparently broke his back. He died soon after.

more things happened and I accidentally punched Jonas. He wasn't wery happy about it. I cried because after what had just happened I could never go and see Katatonia live because "Jonas hates me".
Nettle said:
I accidentally punched Jonas. He wasn't wery happy about it. I cried because after what had just happened I could never go and see Katatonia live because "Jonas hates me".

:lol: aggressive fella. Last night I dreamt that I was in a sauna and a zombie woman slapped my face with her tits. I prefer the Katatonia dream over that one though.
i usually have badtrip dreams when I drink too mutch.. and get kinda fisically ill .. so my mind get tormented too.. i just had a weird one that night.. really dark.. but i can't recall most of it.. just some unconnected pieces.. one of it's 'scenes' shown a weird guy with no tshirt .. and he was kinda pressing his nipple.. as it was an acne or something like that.. and a really rotten substance like black pus came out of it.. and kept on comming.. kinda exploded his pressured chest ..

ah.. can't really recall more things about it..

but a certain thing is that i get fucked up and also inspired.. on that situations.. i don't deslike it.. but being fisically ill is for sure really unpleasant.. :\
Divatkreació said:
When I drink and go to sleep, I see flashbacks from the evening. It's funny really, like a film. But a boring film actually. The plot doesn't make much sense, just like in David Lynch movies.

happens to me qite a lot when I'm drunk...though I haven't drank too much lately
david lynch movies make perfect sense to me lol.
anyway... yeah when im stressed i have that happening to me too but for me its like seeing a perosn walking down a funny mirror fun house, y'know? where you can see yerself streched, or taller and all distorted :P
unfortunately I dont dream that I remember except maybe 2-3 times a year......usually involves blood and killing for some reason.....or my son......oddly enough the few dreams I have had this year were very overwhelming.....I actually think I woke crying once.......so either violence or sadness for me in dreams......but I dont care....I would rather dream than not.......dreams are the only true escape left for me since I dont do drugs or drink anymore......
I dream alot, but mos of the time when I have a nice dream, some shithead comes and wake me up and I don't remember what it was about :( buuh

one time I dreamt that someone was dying but I could not see who.. and 1 week after my bestfriend grandmother died :S
Deliverance6 said:
to me music enhances my reality more than escapes it....reality is lost for me on the occasions that I dream
I just realised that,
Well, I sometimes lie down on the couch with some music on (during daylight).
I never réally sleep, but I do dream... and it's a great feeling
well, in that way music is an escape for me
yeah music is definitively an escape for me too, when im angry i just have to put and angry tune, and then the bad feelings go away, same when im happy...
and yeah my dreams usually involve violence, and killing and really freaky stuff... I've been trying to lucid dream but its hard!
I don't really remember dreams, but when I do, they are nice (most of the time)
The situation I described in my precious post is an exeption. I can't really call them dreams, it's more like deep "day-dreaming"
I also seem to control them quite good
laying down with some music during the afternoon or almost anytime ( better if peaceful ) .. is really great.. my ultimate options for that are post rock or really instrumental oriented music.. explosions in the sky, sigur ros, god speed you black emperor, mogwai, mono.. to name a few.. well Isis could do that job too .. of course i do have real great time with some metal or other stuff.. i just really enjoy to get sleepy with music.

some "country'ish" stuff goes marvelous too.. early day miners, red house painters or will oldham's stuff..

if you never tried I highly recommend ya to do some of that.
