Katatonia in Holland!

Cerulean said:
Nee ik werk elke vrijdagnacht, en kan niet zomaar verlof nemen wanneer ik wil. Ik kan me ook niet ziek melden want als ze dan ontdekken dat ik in Nederland ben word ik ontslagen.
er... geef je baan op!:p
tjah, nee, dan gaat t idd niet door...:cry:
errr.. Dutch is a funny language... were you talking about taking the beach to Arnhem or did I misunderstand completely :lol: :zombie:

@ Mad Tinus: The picnic blanket is already in my car & waiting for the departure to Holland :)

And sure, as Juniper said, everyone's welcome!
well, draagbaar strand= tragbarer Strand, I was just guessing... ;)
I like the idea but it seems to be rather impossible, the beach that would fit into my car isn't big enough for a party and I don't have a truck :D
Cis said:
@ Mad Tinus: The picnic blanket is already in my car & waiting for the departure to Holland :)
Awesomeness! So we can all sit cudly together on a 2x2 meter blanket..? :D

I'll bring:
- 6-pack of Amstel beer (canned)
- 1 bottle of vewy nice red wine
- bottle opener
- plastic drinking cups
- my digital camera
- a garbage bag (we're neat, environmentally-conscious Kata-fans ain't we? ;))

This should all fit in my rucksack I hope :)

The RTL weather forecast said Friday will like today and tomorrow, while the NOS forecast was a bit less positive, so let's say it'll be something in between, then it'll still be quite feckin' sweet I reckon!
vrij parkeren @ parkeerplaats "van" Scum na 18.00 uur.
Voor 18 u betaal je 90 cent per uur....

en er zijn -helaas- nog genoeg kaarten verkrijgbaar.
seagull said:
vrij parkeren @ parkeerplaats "van" Scum na 18.00 uur.
Voor 18 u betaal je 90 cent per uur....
Translation for Cis: free parking after 18:00 hours on the huge parking place of "Scum", until then it's EUR 0,90/hour.
seagull said:
en er zijn -helaas- nog genoeg kaarten verkrijgbaar.
OK, dan hoef ik dus niet van tevoren te reserveren, mooi.