Katatonia song you dislike the most?


Dec 13, 2003
Fort Worth, TX
What sole song out of all and any Katatonia songs do you dislike the most and why?

Out of all of them I'd pick Omerta. It nears ruins the Viva Emptiness experience album for me and I usually press the skip button on it. It's too overly pretty sounding, too groovy sounding and lyrics that not only fit anything else but seem like they were written in 10 minutes in the studio. The music isn't very good in it either which leads to the bad vocals.
^ I couldn't possibly disagree more with your post. Haha, but it's your opinion so it's all good. I happen to think Omerta is a very, VERY good song. Not exactly the best of Kata, but far from the worst.

For me, I would EASILY go with We Must Bury You - I just never ever feel in the mood to listen to that song, really. I just don't like the melody of the Chorus...at all. It irritates me. I remember even once I tried to like it, but to no avail. I'll even go as far as to say this is one of the few only songs that I can't listen to at all.
omerta is amazing and to skip it would throw off the entire feel of the cd.

I love all the songs with jonas on clean vocals so I would pick something off the first two cds without his clean vocals.
Omerta is great...well there is almost no katatonia song that i dislike but ''In the white'' is a bad song imo, and i honestly don't know why so many people love it
Omerta?? BAd song, Bad music, BAd vocals???
The vocals are the best part of the song
In the White? That is a great song too, but Omerta ??? again I say bad vocals?

Songs that I don't like much from Kat though

We must bury you / Nerve (should not have been on BS) / Black Session (the song) / The Itch / Passing Bird

I'am starting regret about visit this forum, i want a break up...maybe a "spirits" help me in my travelling.
We Must Bury You. Just can't get into it. I'm glad LFDGD wasn't a more story based album or else that song would just ruin it, but since it's mostly a collection of some of the greatest songs ever...I'll let it pass :p
dislike is a very strong word, especially when it is refered to katatonia's song.

Omerta is a great song, and how on earth did you concluded that the lyrics are crappy. I respect your opinion, but you really should think about it again. I think there is a whole thread concerning the lyrics of omerta, you may check it out.

*Edited: And the vocals, I think somehow i missed the way jona's voice used to sound in previous albums. I think in TGCD due to the great production the vocals must have been ''fixed''.
Omerta is great...well there is almost no katatonia song that i dislike but ''In the white'' is a bad song imo, and i honestly don't know why so many people love it

:cry: :cry: :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry:

In The White is by far one of the best songs i have ever heard by any band. And as far as a least favorite, well me and my friend have decided that katatonia does not have "bad" songs, just slightly less than stellar. And with that i would have to say "Fractured" is probably the less than stellar song i tend to skip, the chorus strikes me as to HIM-ish there for its "less than stellar" ;)
there are some LFDGD songs that i don't like that much, Passing Bird, Don't Tell A Soul, Disposession or Clean Today. that's why LFDGD is my least favourite Kata album.
from all the other albums i like these ones the least: Nightmyres By The Sea, Sleeper, Leaders
I agree with the dude that posted that In the White is one of the greatest songs. I think I still like July and My Twin slightly better, but that song is fucking brilliant and most definitely has the FINEST lyrics I have ever seen in a Katatonia song.

For me, I just couldn't posibly understand how someone could dislike it (and I know there will always be someone), but you know, still....
I didn't like In the White as much until I saw that recent thread and saw that band do a cover of it and made me realize how great the song is. Vocals are chilling in it and great guitar licks.
I love Omerta so I disagree. I pretty much pick anything of the TGCD album except July, Journey Through Pressure, Rusted and Dissolving Bonds. Leaders, Soils Song and In The White are my biggest dislikes.
If I had to pick I'd definitely go with We Must Bury You.

It's not really a bad song, but it just doesn't sound like Katatonia. It also should have been a B-side because it throws off the flow of the album.