

all the way
Dec 30, 2001
Holaba. I just visited them website and guess what band is listed among the bandlinks there!? yeah right Anathema.

So it seems these guys have quite some respect for Anathema! Haboe! :hotjump:

The title of them site is a bit dumb though: the deadsite :lol:
Originally posted by gothic mind
I think both of them are great.''VIVA..'' will be the next masterpiece of ''discouraged ones''
hopefully not. DO is monotone, boring, all the same :puke:

it needs the same vibe of LFDGD to be good.
yeah LFDGD is the best they did so far.
and its unfair to see people are shitiing on them because of them boring reputation. not with LFDGD! Hell NO!!!!
Originally posted by Mariner
yeah LFDGD is the best they did so far.
and its unfair to see people are shitiing on them because of them boring reputation. not with LFDGD! Hell NO!!!!

that went for the discouraged comments.exactly what i think,the first i bought,not a good choice to start with as it proved:mad:
idd. i remember an interview from discouraged ones that says that the singer coulnt afford to do any deathvocals anymore, because his voice was suffering from it. so they had to change, and they weren't very comfortable with it, what caused to a bad album.
Tonight's Decision is much better, LFDGD even more. Now if they go on like that the new album should be amazing :eek:
Hey cut it out Pieter, you talk about that album as if anyone would think it's bad, or it's just bad in general, but that's only your opinion, there are hell a lot of people who like it very much. Me included. How can one not like songs like I Break, Last Resort, Deadhouse, etc?
I like the songs, but when you hear them all together its like one noise........
And of course I'm speaking for myself!
on the site the guitarist says the song he hates("likes less") from all catatonia's done is i break.strange, i think its the best on the album.
i cant stand that record anyway(teasing gorik for real):)

hail to without god!