kick up eighties metal


New Metal Member
Sep 2, 2003
fleetwood lancashire
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:headbang: back in the eighties there were such bands as W.A.S.P that really rocked,the likes of Twisted Sister,these guys are now making a come back due to todays metal on the whole being no-descript and all the same there is very little inbdividuality to the bands of today,I would love to hear views from others on this subject. :kickass:
WASP should give it up. Twisted is doing a reunion tour. I wasn't very big on them, though I do think they were an important band in the beginning, the same goes for Quiet Riot. I would like to see Ratt get back together & do a real record not like last one they put out... I'm kind of interested in what David Coverdale might do with this new version of Whitesnake, he's got some guys with chops in the band.
As always, something by Cinderella would be great & a Motley Crue reunion with Tommy Lee would be the shit. So Kick it up!
In my humble opinion I think there are but TWO bands who should reunite and conquer the world. Now, don't let the politics of age and all that creep in. I'm just talking about the two greatest hard rock bands of the 80's. Period.

VAN HALEN with David Lee Roth. Anyone seen the US FESTIVAL bootlegs? There is no better rock and roll moment than DLR during "Romeo Delight" announcing, "I forgot the !#$#@% WORDS!". And dear Edward was the king of ten fingers and six strings.

Secondly, and don't let images of the older FATASS singer creeping in ruin this one (was that a hint?!?!)

MOTLEY CRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Motley should get Vince trimmed down (that would take time, but hey, they've got it!) get TOMMY back and do a full on reunion tour in the SHOUT AT THE DEVIL costumes. KISS did it. This would/could be even better. Motley in the SHOUT era were the absolute baddest band alive. Next came Vince in pink panties and white lace for the theater tour. WHAT?!?! It went downhill from there.

Just my take.
Gimme Back My Bullets!
I have both Motley and VH's sets at that US Festival on video, awesome shows!!!! Especially Motley's!! :headbang:

I totally agree with joolzbentley that the thing missing from most of today's metal, despite any arguments people might put forward about the musicianship or whatever, is that they totally lack individuality or CHARACTER.

Metal now is so defined into subgenres, that its like you have a million "Melodic Speed Metal" bands who sound the same, a million "Melodic Death Metal" bands who sound the same, a million "Epic Power Metal" bands who sound the same, a million "Symphonic Black Metal" bands who sound the same, and you get the jist!

In the '80s it was more like there was just "Heavy Metal" which branched off into thrash on one side and hair/hard rock on the other side. And all the bands had their own unique character. All the vocalists sounded different (nowadays most power metal singers are the same, death metal singers are all the same, etc), every band had their own sound, image and vibe. It was great!

Even the glam scene where alot people say that was "all the same"... I think with that it was just that they looked soooo different from other scenes and all had big hair that it was easy to lump them together, but they were all actually way different even. Because today, all bands pretty much have the long hair, black t-shirt thing and its all the same, no different from all having spandex/leather and hairspray being the same but you just notice the image of the glam bands more. And you could never mistake Poison for Motley Crue or Cinderella for Warrant or Twisted Sister for Quiet Riot or anything, they all had their own trademark about their look which bands today don't have. And the same thing goes with their sound I think.

So that's my little rant on why '80s metal is better than today's metal. It had character, personality, individuality, attitude and spirit. Today's metal is only about the musicianship and sound really.
original dark angel lineup!!!!!!!
thats all I have to say.

oh,oh and the legacy just one more time, cause i missed the thrash of the titans.
On a side note...if all these old bands are getting back together and kicking up...while I wish 'em and modern Metal bands the best I kinda hope things stay kinda underground as they are now. It used to bug me a lot that I was the only one of my mates who dug this music (it wasn't like that to start with! ^_^) but now it just feels comfortable kind of just under the mainstream's carpet...saves it from being overexposed. Plus I think I'd be spun out if my mates started talking about Helloween and Saxon and god knows who else without my prompting... :tickled:
Those 3 bands i want to see it live:

I actually enjoy the reunions of these 80 cult bands. I saw Twisted Sister at the Bang your Head festival, and couldn´t believe how great they were. Also TS is the only band where this "fuckin´ fuck" talk all the time sounds like fun and entertainment. All other bands that try to impress with saying "fuck" with every second word sound dumb and are poor imitators of the one only fucking motherfuckers Twisted fucking Sisiter.
The Trooper said:
I have both Motley and VH's sets at that US Festival on video, awesome shows!!!! Especially Motley's!! :headbang:

I totally agree with joolzbentley that the thing missing from most of today's metal, despite any arguments people might put forward about the musicianship or whatever, is that they totally lack individuality or CHARACTER.

Metal now is so defined into subgenres, that its like you have a million "Melodic Speed Metal" bands who sound the same, a million "Melodic Death Metal" bands who sound the same, a million "Epic Power Metal" bands who sound the same, a million "Symphonic Black Metal" bands who sound the same, and you get the jist!

In the '80s it was more like there was just "Heavy Metal" which branched off into thrash on one side and hair/hard rock on the other side. And all the bands had their own unique character. All the vocalists sounded different (nowadays most power metal singers are the same, death metal singers are all the same, etc), every band had their own sound, image and vibe. It was great!

Even the glam scene where alot people say that was "all the same"... I think with that it was just that they looked soooo different from other scenes and all had big hair that it was easy to lump them together, but they were all actually way different even. Because today, all bands pretty much have the long hair, black t-shirt thing and its all the same, no different from all having spandex/leather and hairspray being the same but you just notice the image of the glam bands more. And you could never mistake Poison for Motley Crue or Cinderella for Warrant or Twisted Sister for Quiet Riot or anything, they all had their own trademark about their look which bands today don't have. And the same thing goes with their sound I think.

So that's my little rant on why '80s metal is better than today's metal. It had character, personality, individuality, attitude and spirit. Today's metal is only about the musicianship and sound really.

Couldn´t have said it better ! Nothing to add.
Forget about Motley Crue and all that other Glam bullshit!!! Thrash Metal was the best back in the 80s.And Judas Priest had some good albums in the early 80s.Why they tried to jump on the Glam bandwagon with "Turbo" is beyond me?
brign on the hair bands!!!! im waited with held breath for twisted sister to bring their sik antics to the UK! i herd motley crue are hoping to do a renuion tour if tht fl about crue does well, tht would for the rest van halen, WASP, Ratt, bon jovi - they all fukin ruled, and altho i love thrash too, hairt metal was for me the ultimate in metal music.

also bout whitesnake, saw em a few months back for their 25th anniversery - bitchin!!!!!!!!!!