kill ALL arabs

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check out my dumb band
kill all muslims, arabs, sandniggers, death to islam, nuke any country with a lot of sand for the size of their country, wipe your ass with a turban, spit in their faces at convenience stores!

FUCK THE MIDDLE EAST- who would have thought that 20 years later, that title could still be so true.

R.I.P. Nick Berg
I'm with you brother. Enough is enough. You got to get rid of this cancer of the human race. No more Mr nice country. Get rid of all sand people.Fucking jawas.They all gotta go good or bad. America rulez!!!!!! :)
bobo'c said:
I'm with you brother. Enough is enough. You got to get rid of this cancer of the human race. No more Mr nice country. Get rid of all sand people.Fucking jawas.They all gotta go good or bad. America rulez!!!!!! :)
I have been very much tempted to find me one and cut his head off , but the fear of going to jail for it is the only thing that stops me right now . we need to go to Iraq and kidnap a bunch of them cut there heads off , stick them on poles as a warning to all those fucks,that we can be just as or more brutal than them.............. like bobo`c said "no more mr nice country" :headbang:
I don't trust arabs. I think we need to pull out of BAhgdad let it fall to what ever islamic militant shitbags are killing our troops and sit back and watch the middle east fall apart. If they hit us again like 9-11 then we start dropping baby nukes on these ragheaded cocksuckers like rain drops. I am sick of all these cry baby liberals who never had the balls to fight for anything other than the right to rally and complain in full view of the white house. The middle east WILL be in civil war soon. We WILL see a nuclear explosion in out lifetime and we should stop them from building mosques in our country. They use them for the sole reason to recruit more assholes to the cause. I say NUKE EM!!!!
I normally don't like to generalise, but muslims piss me off. They think they can change laws to suit them wherever they go yet they still spread their hatred against the countries that give them far better lives than most muslim shithole countries.

I am all in favour of getting rid of mosques and annihilating those extremist cunts. If the muslims that live in the West, hate the West they can fuckin' sod off!

Yes I agree pull our troops out, the only dangerous thing I feel is islamic expansionism, which is unfortuantly going on still.
What we need is some crazy fucks over here to strap on some c4 and run into some mosques. We can play that game too.Maybe than I'll go to heaven. Can you believe how fanatical people can be? Brainwashed is what this is. For me personally I think religions are for the weak people in this world. This is just my opinion. I don't need religion as a crutch to get through life. Thats what booze, drugs and sex are for. Thats my crutch nigga. :Smokin: :Smokin:
old school headbanger said:
I have been very much tempted to find me one and cut his head off , but the fear of going to jail for it is the only thing that stops me right now . we need to go to Iraq and kidnap a bunch of them cut there heads off , stick them on poles as a warning to all those fucks,that we can be just as or more brutal than them.............. like bobo`c said "no more mr nice country" :headbang:

How about this. Why not go and enlist in a branch of the armed forces. Oh wait you have to have an I.Q bigger than Billys pant size to be able to enter the armed forces. Go and cut someones head off, please, you are obviousally no use here in America, and I dont think anyone would miss you if you were in jail. Im sick of people like you that have never served 1 second in the military, but act all tough. I guarentee 1000% if you spent 1 minute in combat you would piss and shit your pants, and cry like a little faggot bitch for your mommy. DO something tough guy, or shut the fuck up. I have no love for Arabs, but I have less love for chickenshits like you that are 100% talk and 0% action. Go on tough guy guy, go and do something or shut the fuck up.
leave it to a chik to point out the short-comings of a man.

ill tell you what.....why dont you just go bury your head in some other chiks muff and shut the fuk fucking liberal lez's really piss me off.

nuke the whole fucking middle east..
tenantwo said:
leave it to a chik to point out the short-comings of a man.

ill tell you what.....why dont you just go bury your head in some other chiks muff and shut the fuk fucking liberal lez's really piss me off.

nuke the whole fucking middle east..

Ok first of idiot Muffythevampirelayer is the name of the worlds funniest porno movie, Im not a chick. Secondly bitch, Im not a fucken liberal, so go get yourself an education and grab a fucken clue. Have you ever served?have you been in combat? if no, shut the fuck up. I have. I was pointing out the fact that it takes a bitch to only bitch about something. At least I did something. You are just as fucken stupid as any sandnigger. At least sandniggers have the balls to do what they say. OldSchool is just a pussy little high schoool nerd who is 100% talk.
listen here you fukin your telling me just because i havent served in the armed forces i cant have an does that mean if youve never been in a band you cant express your opinions on music?

(this is a band site.............right?)so shut the fuk up you man in womans clothing.

god im bored................. :loco:
Americans still dreaming, while their asses get fatter, the only solution but to shove a grenade up yer holes :lol:
now this is what im talking about...ikeaboy repin ireland and self assembled furniture and the dashingly handsome cerulean reppin - well dashingly handsom people.

all you fuckers need to to get outa your tailors, say goodbye to your 'mom' whos is also your sister and brother's second wife, and experience a bit or life. 'i served my country man...' - excuse me but is that the same country and government who dont even know your alive - i mean does your type have a birth certificate? for fucks sake, whatever happened to live and let live? you and your slack-jawed-yokel buddies give america a bad reputation, which is a shame because im sure there are a few grey cells in that big land....fuck did america actually spawn from england....if you lot are the only produce then i wish my forefarthers had drowned before they got there.
ikeaboy said:
Americans still dreaming, while their asses get fatter, the only solution but to shove a grenade up yer holes :lol:

America rules the world. If we stopped handing out billions to the rest of the world, (i like to call them toilet nations) their countries would collapse within 2 months and come begging like the worthless freeloaders they are.
what we should do as revoke all the citizenships for those who werent born here,and send you all back to your shit-hole countries.

stop all aid and trades and wait for you to come begging for help.

and then tell you to go fuck yourselves,you unappreciative fucks.
""all you fuckers need to to get outa your tailors, say goodbye to your 'mom' whos is also your sister and brother's second wife, and experience a bit or life. 'i served my country man...' - excuse me but is that the same country and government who dont even know your alive - i mean does your type have a birth certificate? for fucks sake, whatever happened to live and let live? you and your slack-jawed-yokel buddies give america a bad reputation, which is a shame because im sure there are a few grey cells in that big land....fuck did america actually spawn from england....if you lot are the only produce then i wish my forefarthers had drowned before they got there.[/QUOTE]

First off- Your forefathers can fuck off, didn't we kick their asses out of here?
Secondly- I'm glad I'm a redneck American. The fucking weather in England is almost as bad as your food which is on a short list of "Shit I hate about England". Here let me put the list up.

"Things I hate about England"
1. What the fuck is a "Pip-Pip" and can you please stop saying it.
2. Your food is as bad as your dental work.
3. Birds are for roasting not fucking.
4. Where the fuck is all the ice? in Iceland?
5. Warm beer is lame and Guiness is "IRISH!!!!!!"
6. You still have a queen and no king? What the fuck, even Rupaul has balls between his legs. ( not speaking from expeirience)- haha!!!
7. Prince William is a horse faced "PROM- prisoner of mother england".ps. they get that horse face from inbreeding. They like to call it a "Pure blood line". hm. yeah, ok. England must still rule Kentucky. Lots of pure bloods there.
8. Foot ball actually has more than fights at the game in America.
9. If you call your buddy a "Mate" in new york chances are your fucking him in his ass! I guess it's the same for England. Again I think you must still rule NY.
10. We don't answer to you anymore we kicked your ass and celebrate 4th of July NIGGA!!!!!!!!
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