kill ALL arabs

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tenantwo said:
england.......your coutry sucks,bottomline.lousy food,bad weather,lame faggy accents,and besides all that.........the irish basically built your cities,you fuck the scots,

being from the liverpool area and having irsih blood i am well aware of the irish influence in england, i dont need someone from a contry with no heritage to give me a lecture. i have never fucked a scot.

and your country is run by a woman.

and which woman is that??? surely you dont mean the queen.....if you do, you clearly dont know your stuff.

if america is so bad................stay the fuck out.
its that simple...just stay away.

shall do. went to NY once. i'd rather be in Speke.

and stop eating at mcdonalds and drinking coke.
hahaha and you say our food is shite....macdonalds hahahaha

dont you have black pudding and kidney pies to eat......yummy.
i think you are referring to STEAK and kidney pies....dont think they do them anymore, think its just steak. i cant really taste the difference though.
so um thanks for your contribution there, dont give up your day job...that is if you have one.

p.s the guy who i cant understand up there, teh one our susie commented on, is class. but not as class as blackpudding.
If America ever decides to pull the plug in aiding all you foreign moocher countries you'll all be in deep,deep shit!!

Fucking France I hope the next time a country is kicking your pansy asses we don't rush in to help you....It would be more fun to watch you get a well deserved ass kicking.

And for all the english retards running your mouths on this board all I can say is this....
I'm glad Tony Blair has more brains & balls than all of you little pussies combined and I'd be proud to shake his hand. But the rest of you little fags can all blow each other,get aids and die!!!

America is the big boy on the block!!! Like it or not
And all the jealousy & hatred you other nations have for us just shows your ignorance to the world and lets everyone see just how retarded you really are!!
America rulez you fucking tea bags. All I got to say is your fucks in europe are lucky you are not speaking fucking German right now. So we rule you people are dirty and fuck off and die. Brush your fucking teeth you fucking mongrols. luv ,Bob O'C
I'm really sorry to say ...but every day that passes, I'm dissappointed from the world that America rules (as you're actually saying). If only you guys had the education to understand that the world isn't a playground. When i'm talking about education, i don't mean maths or history, i'm talking about ethics and respect, you obviously have none. I feel sorry for the peoples of your nation, for their ignorance and for their narrowed mind, that only thinks of war as a solution to problems. Maybe you'll realise someday, that YOU are the terrorists!
T_man357 said:
If America ever decides to pull the plug in aiding all you foreign moocher countries you'll all be in deep,deep shit!!

Fucking France I hope the next time a country is kicking your pansy asses we don't rush in to help you....It would be more fun to watch you get a well deserved ass kicking.

And for all the english retards running your mouths on this board all I can say is this....
I'm glad Tony Blair has more brains & balls than all of you little pussies combined and I'd be proud to shake his hand. But the rest of you little fags can all blow each other,get aids and die!!!

America is the big boy on the block!!! Like it or not
And all the jealousy & hatred you other nations have for us just shows your ignorance to the world and lets everyone see just how retarded you really are!!
God bless you big fella! Excellent arguments you got there! Keep going please! :worship: :worship:
Shadowlike said:
I'm really sorry to say ...but every day that passes, I'm dissappointed from the world that America rules (as you're actually saying). If only you guys had the education to understand that the world isn't a playground. When i'm talking about education, i don't mean maths or history, i'm talking about ethics and respect, you obviously have none. I feel sorry for the peoples of your nation, for their ignorance and for their narrowed mind, that only thinks of war as a solution to problems. Maybe you'll realise someday, that YOU are the terrorists![/QUOTE

Hey Dickless, if it wasn't for Uncle Sam and his army of freedom loving Americans!! Standing up for the world

Osama bin laden, hater of all living things that don't believe in allah, responsible for 9-11 and many more heinous acts agaisnt the human race too many to mention..Would still be operating his piece of shit terrorist group in comfort and ease....Instead of hiding in a cave like the pussy that he is!

Saddam Hussein and all the shit he pulled trying to get his hands on a nuclear device....if he got one that could'nt hit America..are you so ignorant to think that he won't aim someplace else...Like somewhere in europe?

I honestly can't believe the attitude of you european ingrates!!
You play this whole I hate America bullshit up until you need our help
and then have nothing but nice things to say about us...until we're done helping you..I personally think you're just embarrassed to be from such shit nations when compared to America. .I wish we could disband NATO and let you fags see what it would be like to stand on your own without having the comfort of knowing that America is there to save you.

Here's the bottom line......
Fuck You!! You crybaby faries, keep bowing to the queen and kissing
chiracs ass....
fuck you all listen to jelo biafra and then colin powell and then realise you guys dont really know what your talking about
to Tman357, if it wasnt for the french, your country wouldnt be free of england, oh wait, ur history classes are so lame that they probably skipped that part, but we are the one who helped u first so dont go too fast in ur we did u didnt shit...oh and second for all the other bastards out ther fighting over who's country is better, none of them are, even mine included (France) but all you need to know is this: in history many empires stood up for long periods of time, to only fall under their own glory and greed, like Rome. It will only be a matter of time b4 USA falls and China or India takes over the world. America do not think, i repeat DO NOT THINK you could kick China's ass bcs you are so very wrong, and yes it will happen, guess where all the jobs for techsupport for ur nice little dell or sony is, IN INDIA. but anyway, dont believe it if u dont want to, but History only repeats itself.
Shadowlike said:
. Maybe you'll realise someday, that YOU are the terrorists!
we are terrorists? well.............. lets see,as far as i know americans dont blow shit up in foreign countrys by strapping bombs to themselves and walking in to crowded places, or flying planes into Big Ben Ect.. we send aid (food and money,yeah some scary shit there) to all these other countrys, if the country in need needs to arm themselves to protect themselves, we provide that shit to them as well. how much does your country get from the USA every year? If you say nothing your full of shit and youR WRONG. everyone gets/wants/needs something at one point or the other.
ex.1) ACHTUNG england and the rest of europe, all i have to say is WW2.Yall couldnt even protect yourselves, and who saved the day?..........the USA. we came to the aid of our ALLIES to PROTECT THERE FREEDOM
ex.2) How about "American" products? yeah McDonalds sucks, but how many you got in your country? How many bottles of pepsi,coke,sprite, mountain dew did yall import last year?all That shit is helping you economy, even if it all adds up to 5 percent of your economy, try living without it
heres the first thing i found in a simple search
"Online UK websites to order your favorite American foods and products"
heres and bunch people who live in the UK who make money off of american foods, thus helping YOUR economy in the UK
so wheres the terrorism?
CoverUinOil said:
to Tman357, if it wasnt for the french, your country wouldnt be free of england, oh wait, ur history classes are so lame that they probably skipped that part, but we are the one who helped u first so dont go too fast in ur we did u didnt shit...oh and second for all the other bastards out ther fighting over who's country is better, none of them are, even mine included (France) but all you need to know is this: in history many empires stood up for long periods of time, to only fall under their own glory and greed, like Rome. It will only be a matter of time b4 USA falls and China or India takes over the world. America do not think, i repeat DO NOT THINK you could kick China's ass bcs you are so very wrong, and yes it will happen, guess where all the jobs for techsupport for ur nice little dell or sony is, IN INDIA. but anyway, dont believe it if u dont want to, but History only repeats itself.

You are a jackass!!! It doesn't matter how far back in history you go
you can find some redeeming qualities for just about anyone, but your probably too cool to have realized that.....And if you're banking on the
gooks to beat down the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!
keep dreaming loser!! Do yourself a favor and lose the NJ for your location because it's an insult to the state. You're the type of asshole whose probably gonna vote Kerry in an attempt to ruin our great nation.
In closing i'd just like to say FUCK YOU!!! and if you're in so much love with the french you ought to live there and let chirac stick it in your ass.
old school headbanger said:
we are terrorists? well.............. lets see,as far as i know americans dont blow shit up in foreign countrys by strapping bombs to themselves and walking in to crowded places, or flying planes into Big Ben Ect.. we send aid (food and money,yeah some scary shit there) to all these other countrys, if the country in need needs to arm themselves to protect themselves, we provide that shit to them as well. how much does your country get from the USA every year? If you say nothing your full of shit and youR WRONG. everyone gets/wants/needs something at one point or the other.
ex.1) ACHTUNG england and the rest of europe, all i have to say is WW2.Yall couldnt even protect yourselves, and who saved the day?..........the USA. we came to the aid of our ALLIES to PROTECT THERE FREEDOM
ex.2) How about "American" products? yeah McDonalds sucks, but how many you got in your country? How many bottles of pepsi,coke,sprite, mountain dew did yall import last year?all That shit is helping you economy, even if it all adds up to 5 percent of your economy, try living without it
heres the first thing i found in a simple search
"Online UK websites to order your favorite American foods and products"
heres and bunch people who live in the UK who make money off of american foods, thus helping YOUR economy in the UK
so wheres the terrorism?
Way to stick it to em Old School!!
If all you europeans tried a little more education
and a little less masterbation....When the time comes to
defend yourselves you'll have more energy and your wrists won't
hurt so you'll be able to fight (as if that's possible)

p.s. when i say europeans I don't mean those allies who were courageous enough to join the fight agaisnt terrorism.
"Fight us the American citizens the most pissed off motherfuckers in the world." -Superjoint Ritual

I can't wait for one of these Arab little cunts to kill the same amount of people that we lost on 9/11 in one of these European countries. Lose some great friends like I did. I think that we should butt out of the rest of the worlds problems. Let them all starve. Let them stay broke. We should worry about our own fucking problems. If some country is a threat. Drop nukes. Make examples out of Afganistan and Iraq. Turn them into ash.If there is even a hint of some terrorist organization waste the whole country.But fuck everybody else. Either your with us or you are the enemy. sorry for the rant. i needed to get that off my chest. R.I.P. Johnny and Joey.
old school headbanger said:
we are terrorists! well.............. lets see americans blow themselves and walk in crowded places... we send aids ,scary shit there, to all these other countrys, if the country in need needs to arm themselves to protect themselves, we sell that shit to them as well. how much does your country get from the USA every year? nothin,full of WRONG. everyone gets/wants/needs something at one point or the other.

McDonalds sucks, pepsi,coke,sprite, mountain dew> shit
heres the first thing i found in a simple search
"Online UK websites to order your favorite American guns and weapons"
heres a bunch people who live in the UK who make money off of american weapons, thus helping YOUR economy in the UK>Tony Blair
so wheres the terrorism?
what can you expect from a nation that has ,by numerous decades,gone ethically bankrupt?.....
Nobody denied the good your country has done,but what about everything else...(i bet my posts are invisible)

@T man the people that Laden killed are peanuts compared to the people the so called "americans" slaughtered from the moment they stepped on this continent's soil...You went all mad about one of your lads getting decapitated and you try to cover up the monstrosities towards civilians in Iraq...Torturing has been a long-term policy for America and you try to do it in front of our faces!
I dont blame everybody,i blame the ones in charge and the supporters of them...

i thinkim knowcking on a deaf mans door:Smug:
It's funny how they keep ignoring our good arguments and keep telling us how good they were to protect us from the Germans and that. Well, that's about the only thing I can come up with I'm grateful for them. Nowadays, your shitty government and all you cocksuckers aren't any better than those nazi's. There are millions of good people in your beloved country, but you're the bad apples that fuck up all the goodness that could be. Your country is rotten as fuck.
Oh and some of you are talking as if our economy is based on your American monster brands like McDonals and Pepsi. I'd rather think you're much more depending than us. Whose economy suffered the most from the 11 september attacks? Yours. It's STILL suffering in fact. If you'd cut the economy routes with us, do you think our economy would collapse? Don't you realise we do have our own products that aren't any worse at all than yours?
@bobo about losing mates...its the most difficult thing in the world facing death,but looking upon it with the cold eye of History,these are side losses.Either we like it or not.You hear this from a person that lives in a country fucked up from past Wars and dictatorships,eh...
you might get mad from losing someone and be intended to kill anyone who stands before you,but the truth is that violence brings violence.Its one of the toughtest things to admit ever.How much youd like to kill the people who killed your loved ones,but you have to go with the law>Dont be a monster like the monsters...
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