kill ALL arabs

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I am listening and this is your most intelligent post so far...
And I'm also aware that things change and someday the possibilty exists that we may not be the big boy on the block (Though if I'm to be honest I think it's highly unlikely) I know this I'm 33 y/o and I don't believe that will happen in my life time if it does.

You posted something earlier that pisses me off a bit.....
you said something about how if the N. Koreans and China ever start
fucking around how the U.S. will be in trouble....Well the thing that bothers me about that is you're right....America will be at war and all
these scumbag european countries who are too scared of being next to
be attacked by terrorism will just sit back on their couches and watch the whole thing on tv, ignoring the years and years of assistance that
America has provided them all (Finanicial & protective)....American soldiers have spilled their blood on just about every continent trying to preserve what is right for all people (not just Americans) We are far and away the most generous country with aid (tell me I'm wrong there)
but all will be forgotten so that a country like fucking france will be able
to make yogurt and not bath....Try as I might I'll never be able to forgive france for not backing us in the war agaisnt terrorism and I still do boycott french items (whether it's right or wrong who's to say)
Like I said in an earlier post I'm glad Tony Blair has a sense of right and
wrong because from the posts here it sure seems like the queens subjects dont.

CoverUinOil said:
Tman we have been attacked by terrorist b4 u trust me i know how it is, i lost a cousin when some sandnigger blew himself up in the subway in paris. Trust me i know what arabs are like, more than you do, my country is overrun by them, and so is england as i understand it...i think someone else mentioned the fact that they change the laws to fit their religion which does suck. i'm not fond of the way this country is politicaly running, but i'm not fond of any otherone either. The Us is kool, i wouldnt be doing what i do here if i was in France but still, you cannot think that you will always be ruling the world and exlcude other countries from ur trades. Dont ever sleep in a motel6, its french owned, dont ever watch a universal movie, its also french. everyone benefits from everyone, and weapons dont need to be involved...anyways, not that u would listen to any of this, ur opinion is stuck on Fox and CNN
Awesome reply Old School!! straight and to the point!

old school headbanger said:
War is hell ,and hell isnt a nice place and good things dont happen for killing innocents, lets talk about all the people like daniel pearl, Nick Berg and all the people who died on 9/11. they werent innocent? these terrorist fucks come to our country, and kill thousands of people, and we should just sit back and do nothing about it? i suppose your solution to the problem is to leave them alone , let them continue to build training camps , building up there numbers and build up there stockpile with more weapons. well thats the shit that we used to do before 9/11and what the rest of europe does today, mabey you didnt notice but WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE!!! we dont give a fuck what yall say or how you feel about it, we are going to stop these Jawa sand fuckers even if we have to go hell to do it. its all about life ,liberty and the pursuit of happieness the three basic rights of all united states citizens, and just because the rest of the world dont want to do anything about it doesnt mean we cant :rock:
Lets discuss trade bariers (not just US ones), accounting for people dying of plain hunger, never even having a chance to rant about McDonalds and Coca Cola taking over the world. Or 10 % of the world's population (not just US) using 90 % of its ressources (or there abouts). Then reconsider why people are blowing up innocent American, Spaniards and so on.

And ease the rampant nationalism (not just US), the end of everything just mildly relevant.

But above all, please let me forget ever reading this thread, depressing.
Walter_Langkowski said:
You know, on my couple of trips to Europe, I happened to go to the McDonalds that were operating over there, and uh...lets just say that they weren't exactly empty of people. I'm pretty sure that my friend and I were the only two Americans in there, yet the place was jammed packed with people. So, my question is...if McDonalds (and Pepsi, or Coca-Cola, whatever) is so despised by Europeans, why are they consistently filled with Europeans eating there? If a business isn't successful, then the business shuts down. That is true anywhere. So, pretty good quesstion, huh?

Yo, fanboy.. nobody ever claimed that all Europeans are smarter than you inbred Bryans.. still, do your homework and you will come to realise that McDonalds is on an increase in closing their businesses in Europe rather than expanding.. So put a fucking sock in it, will ya
wrongscience said:
Walter_Langkowski said:
You know, on my couple of trips to Europe, I happened to go to the McDonalds that were operating over there, and uh...lets just say that they weren't exactly empty of people. I'm pretty sure that my friend and I were the only two Americans in there, yet the place was jammed packed with people. So, my question is...if McDonalds (and Pepsi, or Coca-Cola, whatever) is so despised by Europeans, why are they consistently filled with Europeans eating there? If a business isn't successful, then the business shuts down. That is true anywhere. So, pretty good quesstion, huh?

Yo, fanboy.. nobody ever claimed that all Europeans are smarter than you inbred Bryans.. still, do your homework and you will come to realise that McDonalds is on an increase in closing their businesses in Europe rather than expanding.. So put a fucking sock in it, will ya

Oh, my fucking god... why the hell did I reply on anything???

I pity the Earth. We are cancer. And very good at being it.

We all agree to disagree. I guess we are all human afterall. But fuck you all anyway. I still hate everyone. We will always run this world. Live with it you fucking humps.Complain all you want. It will never change and when you need the USA to bail you out we will be there. That's the only problem I have with my country. We help everyone but ourselves. Fuck ya'll fix your own messes. When some religion crazed dictator decides to blow some of your peeps who will be first in line to help. The USA.We are suckers.
i completley agree with you bobo..........i hate everyone to.

and yes are country needs to worry about its own,instead of wiping every other countries asses when they have problems.
Shadowlike said:
For the past 5 years i've been living in the UK. I'm from Greece, which is considered a third wolrd country from many of you, and i don't blame you for that. Others haven't even heard of Greece before...they think it has something to do with the lost continent of Atlantis.
I wouldnt say greece is a third world country, i have studied greek history, mostly spartan history, brutal armys trained from birth, and very interesting how they orginized there goverment...................... :rock:
critical thinking / logic should be taught in all US schools and then youd be able to express your points and feelings without saying 'were you dropped on the head' or 'hey fucker, fuck off' etc etc. imean it wouldnt take many lessons, all you need to understand is the relationship between premises and conclusions.
i think theres only really one guy in this discussion that id listen to and thats CoverUinOil. now would that be Iraqi oil? :lol: just kidding.


:Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug:
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