kill ALL arabs

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Can we keep football out of this thread please. THis is a jawa hating board.Stick to the topic of bashing these bugeating motherfuckers.Besides soccer is a pussy fucking game anyway. In my neighborhood only the wetbacks play that stupid game.Play American football or rugby but I just don't get the appeal of soccer. Oh wait I went of subject, sorry gents.
well look, the thing is like this in Israel, there are many races and different mentalities....

jews are ok, most of them, most of the jews in Israel today are atheists, so you cant even call them jew.
anyway.. it deppeneds where they came from.
the religious jew, they suck badly, they want to take control of the country, but it will never happen.
than there are the north african(from Morocco to Egypt), and thos from Yemen, and the asians (Iran, Iraq, Uzbekistan and more countries in the region), most of them are try to act like Arabs and they are stupid as hell, only that they belive in judaism, you have to live here to understand what i'm talking about), but not all ofcourse, i have lots of eastern-jewish friends and they are great people.
and then there are the jews who came from Europe, and US. most of them are like you and me, besides few who try to act like those easern.

and that's it in todays episode in "the cultures of Israel".

but the arabs is a totally different story, as i said already.
Sacrilege said:
well look, the thing is like this in Israel, there are many races and different mentalities....

jews are ok, most of them, most of the jews in Israel today are atheists, so you cant even call them jew.
anyway.. it deppeneds where they came from.
the religious jew, they suck badly, they want to take control of the country, but it will never happen.
than there are the north african(from Morocco to Egypt), and thos from Yemen, and the asians (Iran, Iraq, Uzbekistan and more countries in the region), most of them are try to act like Arabs and they are stupid as hell, only that they belive in judaism, you have to live here to understand what i'm talking about), but not all ofcourse, i have lots of eastern-jewish friends and they are great people.
and then there are the jews who came from Europe, and US. most of them are like you and me, besides few who try to act like those easern.

and that's it in todays episode in "the cultures of Israel".

but the arabs is a totally different story, as i said already.

Welcome to the board.
Hey T-Man, I thought you hated internet tough guys????? You sure sound like one right now? How about this, stick your gun into your asshole and pull the trigger till it goes are such a fucking retard.....Oh yeah why do you fucking idiot republicans ALWAYS retort with a ......"Shut up you fucking homo" Is that the best retort that you hate fueled dumbfucks have? I would make an exception to my theory on guns and shoot you in the fucking neck but it seems to be red enough....Now get back on the farm and fuck your hogs boy
Constipated Monkey said:
Hey T-Man, I thought you hated internet tough guys????? You sure sound like one right now? How about this, stick your gun into your asshole and pull the trigger till it goes are such a fucking retard.....Oh yeah why do you fucking idiot republicans ALWAYS retort with a ......"Shut up you fucking homo" Is that the best retort that you hate fueled dumbfucks have? I would make an exception to my theory on guns and shoot you in the fucking neck but it seems to be red enough....Now get back on the farm and fuck your hogs boy

that was defidently not very respectfull :erk:
so the guy likes gun, i like guns..........

Constipated Monkey said:
Oh yeah why do you fucking idiot republicans ALWAYS retort with a ......"Shut up you fucking homo"

well why do fucking liberal homos always say
Constipated Monkey said:
you are such a fucking retard.....

how about this shut the fuck up you fucking retarded homo
would that make me a republican or a liberal?
Pussy you're not even worth my wrath!!
You're a little piece of shit liberal who like I said earlier was running off at the
mouth just a little too much and now is just talking shit (you know,the language of the democrat!!) And oh yeah before I forget....That's not a theory you have on guns there loser, it's an opinion. And like every other
clinton loving piece of shit it's the wrong one. But actually I don't want to say too much more because I might make you mad...And seeing that you're from
detroit Ooooooo I don't want you and your 8 mile tough guys looking for me.

Please don't let eminem write a song about me....HOMO!!

Old School, thanks for the back up dude!! You're avatar is AWESOME!!
And just to anwser that question you asked this fag in your last post...

"how about this shut the fuck up you fucking retarded homo
would that make me a republican or a liberal?"

To say it is Republican.....To bend over is liberal!
ever wonder how the monkey got constipated?? I think we found our anwser.

Constipated Monkey said:
Hey T-Man, I thought you hated internet tough guys????? You sure sound like one right now? How about this, stick your gun into your asshole and pull the trigger till it goes are such a fucking retard.....Oh yeah why do you fucking idiot republicans ALWAYS retort with a ......"Shut up you fucking homo" Is that the best retort that you hate fueled dumbfucks have? I would make an exception to my theory on guns and shoot you in the fucking neck but it seems to be red enough....Now get back on the farm and fuck your hogs boy
T_man357 said:
Pussy you're not even worth my wrath!!
You're a little piece of shit liberal who like I said earlier was running off at the
mouth just a little too much and now is just talking shit (you know,the language of the democrat!!) And oh yeah before I forget....That's not a theory you have on guns there loser, it's an opinion. And like every other
clinton loving piece of shit it's the wrong one. But actually I don't want to say too much more because I might make you mad...And seeing that you're from
detroit Ooooooo I don't want you and your 8 mile tough guys looking for me.

Please don't let eminem write a song about me....HOMO!!

Old School, thanks for the back up dude!! You're avatar is AWESOME!!
And just to anwser that question you asked this fag in your last post...

"how about this shut the fuck up you fucking retarded homo
would that make me a republican or a liberal?"

To say it is Republican.....To bend over is liberal!
ever wonder how the monkey got constipated?? I think we found our anwser.

thats good cause i dont want to be some liberal fag,

everyone should have this avitar.......................................
You're right!! Everyone should have that avatar!!
I'm not going to change mine...Only because I think it's pissing off a certain fag monkey.....
but come Nov, Bush Cheney got my vote!!!

Kill the liberal retards!! Throw the homos back in the closet!!
If you burn the flag....I say fuck it....we burn you!

old school headbanger said:
thats good cause i dont want to be some liberal fag,

everyone should have this avitar.......................................
Arg_Hamster said:
Isn´t this the jawahating board? People here seems to talk about other peoples asses and what they want to stick into them.

Yes, its true....Tman and his letters of hate are often filled with references of gays and dicks..He is indeed a closet gay and you can catch him on any random night at any gay bar or mens restroom servicing George Michael. You can also catch him at your local NAMBLA meeting sspreading his love but not too much love because he is what you call an "angry gay" that just hasn't come to grips with being gay....actually he has come to grips with many hairy man things but being gay isn't one of them...Come on TMAn just accept it and you will be a better person for it..I mean we all know that your screen name is an acronymn for Testicle Man you can't mask what you enjoy the most...I never thought there was such a thing as an angry gay redneck until I read all of your posts, you made realize that anything is possible....Cheers jackass
Constipated Monkey said:
Yes, its true....Tman and his letters of hate are often filled with references of gays and dicks..He is indeed a closet gay and you can catch him on any random night at any gay bar or mens restroom servicing George Michael. You can also catch him at your local NAMBLA meeting sspreading his love but not too much love because he is what you call an "angry gay" that just hasn't come to grips with being gay....actually he has come to grips with many hairy man things but being gay isn't one of them...Come on TMAn just accept it and you will be a better person for it..I mean we all know that your screen name is an acronymn for Testicle Man you can't mask what you enjoy the most...I never thought there was such a thing as an angry gay redneck until I read all of your posts, you made realize that anything is possible....Cheers jackass

Tmann he want you to join him........................... :err:
I think Old School's seems like you have a thing for me
well I don't swing that way monkey...It looks like you'll have to get your
shit pushed in from someone else but hey since you're so familiar with
george michael and nambla (which by the way was very funny) not to mention a liberal you should have a world of gays right at your needs.:yuk:

Constipated Monkey said:
Yes, its true....Tman and his letters of hate are often filled with references of gays and dicks..He is indeed a closet gay and you can catch him on any random night at any gay bar or mens restroom servicing George Michael. You can also catch him at your local NAMBLA meeting sspreading his love but not too much love because he is what you call an "angry gay" that just hasn't come to grips with being gay....actually he has come to grips with many hairy man things but being gay isn't one of them...Come on TMAn just accept it and you will be a better person for it..I mean we all know that your screen name is an acronymn for Testicle Man you can't mask what you enjoy the most...I never thought there was such a thing as an angry gay redneck until I read all of your posts, you made realize that anything is possible....Cheers jackass
Sacrilege said:
well look, the thing is like this in Israel, there are many races and different mentalities....

jews are ok, most of them, most of the jews in Israel today are atheists, so you cant even call them jew.
anyway.. it deppeneds where they came from.
the religious jew, they suck badly, they want to take control of the country, but it will never happen.
than there are the north african(from Morocco to Egypt), and thos from Yemen, and the asians (Iran, Iraq, Uzbekistan and more countries in the region), most of them are try to act like Arabs and they are stupid as hell, only that they belive in judaism, you have to live here to understand what i'm talking about), but not all ofcourse, i have lots of eastern-jewish friends and they are great people.
and then there are the jews who came from Europe, and US. most of them are like you and me, besides few who try to act like those easern.

and that's it in todays episode in "the cultures of Israel".

but the arabs is a totally different story, as i said already.
Israel is still imposing apartheid though.
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