kill ALL arabs

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i have nothing against "americans"OR "arabs" or "african ppl" whatsoever. i just can't stand prejudiced racist fucks no matter where they come from.

i was only wondering where you draw the line when you say "all immigrants out" ?
america once belonged to the native americans, "indians" if you like.but obviously you don't want to throw out all immigrants that came after columbus now, do you?

Though weren't those Indians immigrants too?

So... I guess that only Savanna africans are allowed to be racists?! :D
I do have a respect for everyone's love of metal. So probably most of ya'll on this board have to be sort of cool. Even if I hate where you live , that's my problem. But I will still spit venom at you humps.Fuck the world.woo hoo. :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :OMG: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
bobo'c said:
I do have a respect for everyone's love of metal. So probably most of ya'll on this board have to be sort of cool. Even if I hate where you live , that's my problem. But I will still spit venom at you humps.Fuck the world.woo hoo. :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :OMG: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
How can you hate a location?? :err:
And if you can't get your hands on a gun because your fag fuck country
won't let you....Let me know and I'll gladly help eat a bullet or ten!!!
Hey, It's the least I can do.


bobo'c said:
Fok Q. I mean I hate everybody in your country that isn't into metal you fucking slug.Eat a bullet please.

Just to add my opinion to all of this. Firstly why all the stereotyping? I have friends who some of you would describe as ragheads, sandniggers and what have you, but these people are nice people. They aren't all Suicide bombers who give me shit for being white or anything like that. Like I think it's equally as retarded to say that all Americans are inbread idiots, because that isn't the truth. It's bullshit. Just like it's bullshit to say the English play cricket and drink tea all day, or Germans are all Nazi's and what ever other shit you can come up with.

Was the only reason for going into Iraq to kill the citizens that lived there? No, it was, amongst other things to get rid of Sudam Hussein and his regime. Yet because of this people think it is a good idea to nuke the middle east? Well bugger me, you might as well nuke everything else aswell, after all there are terrorists and cunts in every country, just like there are innocent people in every country. I know I ain't gonna change anyones opinion on this but I sure don't agree with people saying that we should nuke the place.

But the cunts out there who do kill soldiers, who do blow them selves up for their Holy Cause or whatever, do deserve a good killing. but that doesn't mean everyone who shares nationality, religion or whatever should be killed.
Just had to pop in to say CONGRATULATIONS, you guys made a nomination for Funniest Thread Ever over on the Royal Carnage forum :D

I skipped most of this because this is some of the most retarded, ignorant pro-American bullshit I have read for a little while. But something piqued my interest...

old school headbanger said:
we are terrorists? well.............. lets see,as far as i know americans dont blow shit up in foreign countrys by strapping bombs to themselves and walking in to crowded places, or flying planes into Big Ben Ect.. we send aid (food and money,yeah some scary shit there) to all these other countrys, if the country in need needs to arm themselves to protect themselves, we provide that shit to them as well. how much does your country get from the USA every year? If you say nothing your full of shit and youR WRONG. everyone gets/wants/needs something at one point or the other.
ex.1) ACHTUNG england and the rest of europe, all i have to say is WW2.Yall couldnt even protect yourselves, and who saved the day?..........the USA. we came to the aid of our ALLIES to PROTECT THERE FREEDOM
ex.2) How about "American" products? yeah McDonalds sucks, but how many you got in your country? How many bottles of pepsi,coke,sprite, mountain dew did yall import last year?all That shit is helping you economy, even if it all adds up to 5 percent of your economy, try living without it
heres the first thing i found in a simple search
"Online UK websites to order your favorite American foods and products"
heres and bunch people who live in the UK who make money off of american foods, thus helping YOUR economy in the UK
so wheres the terrorism?
From, everything that needs to be said about this.

[font=Arial,Helvetica]US Foreign Interventions and Invasions since Vietnam[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Cuba 1963 - today - US blockades island for 39 years. Numerous assassination attempts against leader. Continued actions condemned by Human Rights Groups and the United Nations General Assembly.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Australia 1973-75 - CIA interferes and manipulates free election process.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Chile 1973 - CIA backed coup ousts elected president, installs Gen. Pinochet. Decades of human rights abuses follow.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Portugal 1974 - CIA funnels millions to destabilize and sabotage NATO ally.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Angola 1976-92 - CIA assists South Africa-backed rebels.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Afghanistan 1979-82 - US supports, arms, trains Mujahadeen rebels including rebel leader Osama Bin Laden.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]El Salvador 1980-92 - US aids government condemned for gross human rights violations.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Nicaragua 1981-92 - US directs and illegally supports contra war, mines harbour. Allows open flow of narcotics into US. US actions condemned by the United Nations World Court.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Chad 1982 - US supports overthrow of government. CIA supported secret police kill and torture tens of thousands.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Libya 1982 - USA shoots down 2 Libyan jets.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Honduras 1982 -90 - US builds bases near borders, supports government that uses Death Squads against it's citizens.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Lebanon 1982-84 - US bombs and shells Muslim positions, expels PLO from territory.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Grenada 1983-84 - US military invades tiny island. 400 Grenadians killed. "Gross violation" of international law condemned by United Nations.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Iraq 1987-88 - US supports and arms Saddam Hussein's Iraq in war against Iran.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Iran 1988 - US shoots down Iranian passenger airliner, killing 290 civilians. Claims it was an "accident".[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Libya 1989 - US bombs capitol Tripoli killing 55 civilians. Calls it "collateral damage".[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Philippines 1989 - US supports corrupt govt of Ferdinand Marcos against citizen uprising.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Panama 1989 - US invades with 27,000 soldiers. Kills 3000+ Panamanians, kidnaps it's own installed drug-dealing leader and CIA asset. Illegal US actions condemned by nearly unanimous United Nations and Organization of American States.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Kuwait 1991 - US invades Middle East, contradicting its position by intervening in inter-Arab affairs. Returns Kuwaiti Monarchy accused of human right abuses to throne.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Iraq 1990 - today - US randomly bombs civilian areas. Blockades Iraqi ports, allows no humanitarian or medical aid. est. 10,000 Iraqi's starve/die monthly as result.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Bulgaria 1991 - CIA funnels millions to destabilize one of the first freely elected governments since the fall of the Eastern Bloc.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Somalia 1992-94 - US sends in humanitarian aid. Becomes involved in Civil war, takes sides attacking one Mogadishu faction. Kills 500+ Somalis.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Peru 1992 - 01 - US provides military support, millions of dollars to corrupt Fujimori government. Drug kingpin Vladimir Montesino on CIA payroll while serving as Intelligence Chief. Involved directly in shooting down missionary aircraft, killing American woman and her infant child.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Colombia 1992 - present - US supports Colombian military, heavily involved in drug trafficking. 1,640 pounds of cocaine lands in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida hidden inside Colombian Air Force cargo plane. Nearly 20,000 people killed by US supported military and para-military so far.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Bosnia 1993 - US naval blockade of Serbia and Montenegro.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Haiti 1994 - US blockades island government, CIA supports military coup to remove elected President Aristide, then forcibly re-installs Aristide as President after he agrees to US conditions of rule.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Sudan 1998 - US bombs Aspirin Factory in Khartoum killing civilians.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Afghanistan 1998 - US missiles kill 28 civilians[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Yugoslavia 1999 - Hundreds of Serbs killed by US controlled NATO bombing campaign. US laser-guided bombs destroy Chinese Embassy in Belgrade killing three Chinese journalists.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Afghanistan 2001 - ?[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica]US involvement in Foreign assassinations or attempts - prohibited by Presidential decree since 1976[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1960 - General Abdul Karim Kassem, leader of Iraq[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1961 - Francois Duvalier, leader of Haiti[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1961 - Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Congo[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1961 - General Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1963 - Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1960s - Fidel Castro, President of Cuba , numerous attempts[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1960s - Raul Castro, brother of Fidel.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1965 - Francisco Caamano, Opposition leader, Dominican Republic[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1965-6 - Charles de Gaulle, President of France[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1967 - Ernesto Che Guevara, Cuban leader[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1970 - Salvador Allende, President of Chile[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1970 - General Rene Schneider, Commander of Chilean Army[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1970s, 81 - General Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1972 - General Manuel Noriega, chief of Panama Intelligence[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1975 - Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1976 - Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1980-86 - Moammar Qaddafi, leader of Libya, numerous attempts[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1982 - Ayatollah Khomeine, leader of Iran[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1983 - General Ahmed Dlimi, Army commander of Morocco[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1983 - Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1984 - All nine leaders of the Nicaraguan National Directorate[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1985 - Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Lebanon Shiite leader[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1991 - Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1998 - Osama bin Laden, former US trained "freedom fighter".[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1999 - Slobodan Mlosevic, President of Yugoslavia[/font]
well. how interesting that you chose to pick my post, oh and by the way where you from? germany? im guessing you are a fuckin nazi

check this out (he got the posted info under the "articles" link "Terrorism, some facts" link. my link is to the main site)this nazi propaganda bullshit ( the pic on the bottom of the articles page........they look like terrorists to me)article may have the facts strait , but the fact that it is a nazi propaganda web site totaly destroy the credibility of the facts so try again you nazi fuck
Ayeka said:
Just had to pop in to say CONGRATULATIONS, you guys made a nomination for Funniest Thread Ever over on the Royal Carnage forum :D

I skipped most of this because this is some of the most retarded, ignorant pro-American bullshit I have read for a little while. But something piqued my interest...

From, everything that needs to be said about this.

[font=Arial,Helvetica]US Foreign Interventions and Invasions since Vietnam[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Cuba 1963 - today - US blockades island for 39 years. Numerous assassination attempts against leader. Continued actions condemned by Human Rights Groups and the United Nations General Assembly.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Australia 1973-75 - CIA interferes and manipulates free election process.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Chile 1973 - CIA backed coup ousts elected president, installs Gen. Pinochet. Decades of human rights abuses follow.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Portugal 1974 - CIA funnels millions to destabilize and sabotage NATO ally.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Angola 1976-92 - CIA assists South Africa-backed rebels.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Afghanistan 1979-82 - US supports, arms, trains Mujahadeen rebels including rebel leader Osama Bin Laden.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]El Salvador 1980-92 - US aids government condemned for gross human rights violations.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Nicaragua 1981-92 - US directs and illegally supports contra war, mines harbour. Allows open flow of narcotics into US. US actions condemned by the United Nations World Court.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Chad 1982 - US supports overthrow of government. CIA supported secret police kill and torture tens of thousands.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Libya 1982 - USA shoots down 2 Libyan jets.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Honduras 1982 -90 - US builds bases near borders, supports government that uses Death Squads against it's citizens.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Lebanon 1982-84 - US bombs and shells Muslim positions, expels PLO from territory.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Grenada 1983-84 - US military invades tiny island. 400 Grenadians killed. "Gross violation" of international law condemned by United Nations.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Iraq 1987-88 - US supports and arms Saddam Hussein's Iraq in war against Iran.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Iran 1988 - US shoots down Iranian passenger airliner, killing 290 civilians. Claims it was an "accident".[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Libya 1989 - US bombs capitol Tripoli killing 55 civilians. Calls it "collateral damage".[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Philippines 1989 - US supports corrupt govt of Ferdinand Marcos against citizen uprising.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Panama 1989 - US invades with 27,000 soldiers. Kills 3000+ Panamanians, kidnaps it's own installed drug-dealing leader and CIA asset. Illegal US actions condemned by nearly unanimous United Nations and Organization of American States.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Kuwait 1991 - US invades Middle East, contradicting its position by intervening in inter-Arab affairs. Returns Kuwaiti Monarchy accused of human right abuses to throne.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Iraq 1990 - today - US randomly bombs civilian areas. Blockades Iraqi ports, allows no humanitarian or medical aid. est. 10,000 Iraqi's starve/die monthly as result.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Bulgaria 1991 - CIA funnels millions to destabilize one of the first freely elected governments since the fall of the Eastern Bloc.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Somalia 1992-94 - US sends in humanitarian aid. Becomes involved in Civil war, takes sides attacking one Mogadishu faction. Kills 500+ Somalis.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Peru 1992 - 01 - US provides military support, millions of dollars to corrupt Fujimori government. Drug kingpin Vladimir Montesino on CIA payroll while serving as Intelligence Chief. Involved directly in shooting down missionary aircraft, killing American woman and her infant child.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Colombia 1992 - present - US supports Colombian military, heavily involved in drug trafficking. 1,640 pounds of cocaine lands in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida hidden inside Colombian Air Force cargo plane. Nearly 20,000 people killed by US supported military and para-military so far.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Bosnia 1993 - US naval blockade of Serbia and Montenegro.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Haiti 1994 - US blockades island government, CIA supports military coup to remove elected President Aristide, then forcibly re-installs Aristide as President after he agrees to US conditions of rule.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Sudan 1998 - US bombs Aspirin Factory in Khartoum killing civilians.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Afghanistan 1998 - US missiles kill 28 civilians[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Yugoslavia 1999 - Hundreds of Serbs killed by US controlled NATO bombing campaign. US laser-guided bombs destroy Chinese Embassy in Belgrade killing three Chinese journalists.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]Afghanistan 2001 - ?[/font]

[font=Arial,Helvetica]US involvement in Foreign assassinations or attempts - prohibited by Presidential decree since 1976[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1960 - General Abdul Karim Kassem, leader of Iraq[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1961 - Francois Duvalier, leader of Haiti[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1961 - Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Congo[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1961 - General Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1963 - Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1960s - Fidel Castro, President of Cuba , numerous attempts[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1960s - Raul Castro, brother of Fidel.[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1965 - Francisco Caamano, Opposition leader, Dominican Republic[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1965-6 - Charles de Gaulle, President of France[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1967 - Ernesto Che Guevara, Cuban leader[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1970 - Salvador Allende, President of Chile[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1970 - General Rene Schneider, Commander of Chilean Army[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1970s, 81 - General Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1972 - General Manuel Noriega, chief of Panama Intelligence[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1975 - Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1976 - Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1980-86 - Moammar Qaddafi, leader of Libya, numerous attempts[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1982 - Ayatollah Khomeine, leader of Iran[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1983 - General Ahmed Dlimi, Army commander of Morocco[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1983 - Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1984 - All nine leaders of the Nicaraguan National Directorate[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1985 - Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Lebanon Shiite leader[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1991 - Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1998 - Osama bin Laden, former US trained "freedom fighter".[/font]
  • [font=Arial,Helvetica]1999 - Slobodan Mlosevic, President of Yugoslavia[/font]

All this rant proves is that we aren't fuckin playing games.
so shut the fuck up
There was many reasons behind those interventions such as the fight against communism. Not everything is as simple as it seems.

Alot of people always criticise the U.S for training that wanker bin laden, but don't see the original reasons, such as the fight against soviet invasion.
humungo said:
There was many reasons behind those interventions such as the fight against communism. Not everything is as simple as it seems.

Alot of people always criticise the U.S for training that wanker bin laden, but don't see the original reasons, such as the fight against soviet invasion.
Of course there was the cold war, but looking at interventions into africa, south america etc; a lot seem foolish - and with a hidden agenda.

Yes, I can understand the cuba-crisis for example, my dad was actually at sea when that stuff went down, and he was in the area too; apparently it was a close call - but you can't justify *everything* by saying "it was due to the coldwar", right?!
It is ignorant dipshits like gaschamber and bobo that make me ashamed to be American. Among radical rightwingers like these there is a general fear of the middle east, a region so large, covering parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia, that it cannot be generalized. There are some great things about America - its better than a lot of other places - but it includes a lot of global bullying, imperialism, and hypocrisy. Sometimes I wish I was in Amsterdam or somewhere in Sweden or Finland.
Generation_Speedkill said:
It is ignorant dipshits like gaschamber and bobo that make me ashamed to be American. Among radical rightwingers like these there is a general fear of the middle east, a region so large, covering parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia, that it cannot be generalized. There are some great things about America - its better than a lot of other places - but it includes a lot of global bullying, imperialism, and hypocrisy. Sometimes I wish I was in Amsterdam or somewhere in Sweden or Finland.
In Sweden you'd get upset by the land of the average aka the land of socialdemocrats :Puke:

Don't compare Holland with Sweden or Finland :tickled: (please?)
The only time we hear the Europeans whine is when the terrorists are harmed, ie: wearing womens underwear on their heads! If a westerner is beheaded, shot or burned and mutilated they simply don't care! AMAZING THOUGHT PROCESSES HERE!!!! Six million jews, several million kerds, thousands of Americans..all murdered in cold blood, and all a lot of Europeans are concerned with are a few demented child murderers who have to be naked or wear underwear on their heads!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEMS?!?!? Someday when you're kneeling, with your neck across a tree stump, and an islamic knifeman is getting ready to saw and hack your head from your body, "you'll care".....but we wont. Fuckin freaked out brainwashed morons!!! I guess that's to be expected from a generation of teenage cowards who get their kicks from picking on the weak. Come pick on me...
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