kill ALL arabs

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soulmuh said:
Förresten, undrar om NÅGON tvivlat på att han var bög?!! Menar, snubben skiner lixom av... ja... du vet???

Shining of gayness? Yeah, I wouldn´t have a problem with they guy if he´d admitted it when he first got famous. As you said, with the way he looks and acts everyone was surprised it took 10 years for him to come out of the closet. I have no respect for someone who comes out just in time for the new CD with personal lyrics (that he wrote with others). Jöback should fuck off.
Arg_Hamster said:
Shining of gayness? Yeah, I wouldn´t have a problem with they guy if he´d admitted it when he first got famous. As you said, with the way he looks and acts everyone was surprised it took 10 years for him to come out of the closet. I have no respect for someone who comes out just in time for the new CD with personal lyrics (that he wrote with others). Jöback should fuck off.
Well, I can sort of understand him - as this album was about his life in the closet and Mauro Scocco wrote the stuff for him, and apparently it was spot on!

I don't have a problem with the gay man! :loco:
Hehehe, we´re talking about Jöback on the ultimatemetalforums! Actually I would like to hear him sing som hard rock/metal. But if he did release a rock album he would just come out as a junkie or something! :dopey:
Arg_Hamster said:
Hehehe, we´re talking about Jöback on the ultimatemetalforums! Actually I would like to hear him sing som hard rock/metal. But if he did release a rock album he would just come out as a junkie or something! :dopey:
*hehe* Well, many MEN who likes METAL likes LEATHER, not to forget ROB HALFORD :tickled:

I think Jöback would be GREAT in an 80ies hairband or something like Judas Priest! :loco:
And profess your undying love for him??

You're a piece of shit!!! That guys serving his country,
something you know nothing about (Unless you're serving drinks)

Go fuck yourself fagboy!!
Pride in ones country is obviously not an option in europe
especially when you need America to fight your battles!!

soulmuh said:
That was such an insightful comment :err:
For all the talk of ignorance, I just wanted to add something.
I see many people here continually mentioning that America saved Europe in WW2. This may be true and I'm sure it was welcome at the time but they did not enter WW2 until 1941, two years into the war. This only really woke the US up because there was an attack on the US itself (Pearl Harbour).

Now, while it's understandable for the US to enter the war after an attack on a US base, I find all the comments about "saving your ass" or claims that European countries would "stand back and watch" America getting attacked are a bit uninformed. The US did the same fucking thing when the Nazi's stormed over Europe. This is just one example of the kind of stuff you should know before mouthing off about loyalties and suchlike. If you're going to call people ignorant, make sure you know what you're talking about.

Now, I have no problems with the majority of American culture and I am fully aware that there are many good, decent American people but the kind of attitudes I've read in this thread are potentially going to be the downfall of the US. You can say "fuck you" to as many countries as you like but when you realise you're more dependent on other countries than you think, you'll begin to understand the need for diplomacy. This will become more and more apparent as resources like oil run out. If the US pulled out of everywhere and isolated itself, I suspect it wouldn't be so wealthy.

As for the comments on sending immigrants home, your whole fucking country was built by immigrants! That's what makes it such a potentially cool place to live and why I feel it's a shame some people slate the whole country simply because of Bush. For example, I visited New Orleans recently and the place is fucking cool. I still think some your government's international policies are wrong but I don't hate the US. Get it?

And, I don't sympathise with muslim terrorists either. I just wanted to get that in as some moron always believes the "with us or against us" crap.

I expect to be called a liberal fag or something similar but that's OK. I don't expect many civilised or reasoned responses anyway. I'm just bored and wanted to pass time. And now, I'll fuck off as I suspect this will be another reply. :)
Scurvy said:
For all the talk of ignorance, I just wanted to add something.
I see many people here continually mentioning that America saved Europe in WW2. This may be true and I'm sure it was welcome at the time but they did not enter WW2 until 1941, two years into the war. This only really woke the US up because there was an attack on the US itself (Pearl Harbour).

BM. We entered ww2 after we supplied up to %40 of the oil, supplies and financing to an already Bankrupt English country, which after the defeat of the Nazis we lent them Billions upon billions more as they needed it. We didn't actually send men becuase Russia promised 20 million men from the get go but never delivered. Oh yeah- The attack on Pearl Habor was unexpected because we were in peace talks with Japan. The reason Japan went to war was because America cuts it's oil supply down to less tha %20 of what Japan needed. But why you may ask? Because we sent it to Europe to fight the Germans.

If you're going to call people ignorant, make sure you know what you're talking about.

BM. If your going to quote facts, Get them Right!!!

you'll begin to understand the need for diplomacy. This will become more and more apparent as resources like oil run out. If the US pulled out of everywhere and isolated itself, I suspect it wouldn't be so wealthy.

BM. Here you are %100 correct!!!

As for the comments on sending immigrants home, your whole fucking country was built by immigrants!

BM. The immigrants that came here in the early 1900's wanted to be Americans and work for a living. Now they want to be What every land they came from and suck the blood of the United States. I say Ship their asses home in what ever hammock they brought with them.

BM. Most of what you said was well thought out. Welcome to the message board we need more people like you.
Buzzard said:
BM. If your going to quote facts, Get them Right!!!

Touche, but I did quote facts. I just missed out a few bits that would have tarnished my arguments. :cool:
Anyway, the weekend is upon me so I don't have time to be shooting the shit on message boards. Farewell to all.
ahhh good 'ole America. Home of the fat fucks, who do nothing but bitch and complain. Incase anyone was wondering, we all live on this planet... nuking each other to hell is not an answer.
Lordlucid said:
ahhh good 'ole America. Home of the fat fucks, who do nothing but bitch and complain. Incase anyone was wondering, we all live on this planet... nuking each other to hell is not an answer.

Welcome to the board euro trash. Becareful he quotes Satan.
very spooky
T_man357 said:
And profess your undying love for him??

You're a piece of shit!!! That guys serving his country,
something you know nothing about (Unless you're serving drinks)

Go fuck yourself fagboy!!
Pride in ones country is obviously not an option in europe
especially when you need America to fight your battles!!
Eh? You know, you may not WANT IT - but you are
SO FUNNY!!!! :tickled:

PURE COMEDY!!!! Cabarét my man! :worship:
Scurvy said:
For all the talk of ignorance, I just wanted to add something.
I see many people here continually mentioning that America saved Europe in WW2. This may be true and I'm sure it was welcome at the time but they did not enter WW2 until 1941, two years into the war. This only really woke the US up because there was an attack on the US itself (Pearl Harbour).

Now, while it's understandable for the US to enter the war after an attack on a US base, I find all the comments about "saving your ass" or claims that European countries would "stand back and watch" America getting attacked are a bit uninformed. The US did the same fucking thing when the Nazi's stormed over Europe. This is just one example of the kind of stuff you should know before mouthing off about loyalties and suchlike. If you're going to call people ignorant, make sure you know what you're talking about.

Now, I have no problems with the majority of American culture and I am fully aware that there are many good, decent American people but the kind of attitudes I've read in this thread are potentially going to be the downfall of the US. You can say "fuck you" to as many countries as you like but when you realise you're more dependent on other countries than you think, you'll begin to understand the need for diplomacy. This will become more and more apparent as resources like oil run out. If the US pulled out of everywhere and isolated itself, I suspect it wouldn't be so wealthy.

As for the comments on sending immigrants home, your whole fucking country was built by immigrants! That's what makes it such a potentially cool place to live and why I feel it's a shame some people slate the whole country simply because of Bush. For example, I visited New Orleans recently and the place is fucking cool. I still think some your government's international policies are wrong but I don't hate the US. Get it?

And, I don't sympathise with muslim terrorists either. I just wanted to get that in as some moron always believes the "with us or against us" crap.

I expect to be called a liberal fag or something similar but that's OK. I don't expect many civilised or reasoned responses anyway. I'm just bored and wanted to pass time. And now, I'll fuck off as I suspect this will be another reply. :)
Not to break your illusion; but without the japanese attacking the pacific islands, and RUSSIA (CCCP) getting under attack and fighting back the nazi-forces, Hitler might've been in power and the (politica) landscape would've looked much different.

So; there you go - american didn't "save europe" on their own, nor would the war against Hitler&co been won if CCCP wasn't around.

We want America to fight "our battles"? That's what they are saying to you? The battles you are talking about it's America that makes them! Pride in ones country is an option in all the countries in the world but I guess you haven't been anywhere else to see it except your own world. You are so funny by the way!
Buzzard said:
BM. The immigrants that came here in the early 1900's wanted to be Americans and work for a living. Now they want to be What every land they came from and suck the blood of the United States. I say Ship their asses home in what ever hammock they brought with them
so, what about the immigrants that came before 1900. let's say between 1500 and 1900? *just wondering*
Bastet said:
so, what about the immigrants that came before 1900. let's say between 1500 and 1900? *just wondering*

They wanted to be anywhere but where they were from, apparently.
They wanted to start something new and be a part of something. Believeme I don't Think America is perfect or without sin. But we've only been fuck ups for 200 years- where as you guys in europe have been fucked up for over 2000 years and are still not without sin. Maybe one day all this American and European bashing will seem stupid an pointless. Oh wait, it does now.
I honestly wish there was a peacful road for us all to travel, but there isn't.
As long as we can agree that METAL fucking rules and we should focus on getting to know each other instead of isolating one another. after all
"we all bleed red"
Kumbaya my friends-Kumbaya
Aaaah, he's handing out the branch of love (and meanwhile a deluge started here)

Give peace a chance!!! (when all arguments run out)
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