From our friends at Blabbermouth:

Good to see lots of detailed info about the tour - that's what I like to see!!KISS To Tour Australia In April - Dec. 22, 2003
KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons has posted the following message on his official web site:
"KISS has finished its first leg of the never-ending tour. AEROSMITH was on the first leg. We will continue when we start back up again around April, when we go to Australia. We will continue touring through November. Hope to see you all.
"And, for those of you who don't know, our 'Kiss Symphony' pay per view, which celebrates KISS and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (all 70 pieces in full KISS warpaint) at Melbourne Stadium, is on the air for a few more weeks.
"Check with your local cable outlet for times and dates.
"The resulting DVD, I'm proud to say, is double platinum.
"For specific up to the minute info about all things KISS, check out our official web site,
"Here's hoping all of you have a healthy and happy holiday season."