Kommando lost a finger, no longer in Arghoslent

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Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
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<li>ARGHOSLENT. Interview with Von Demonicus and Pogrom via email.

Arghoslent. Love them or hate them for their lyrical stances, MANY publications have praised their musical abilities to the skies above... I must warn everyone now that the opinions of Arghoslent are not necessarily the opinions of anyone else here at the magazine, but regardless, and I will say this AGAIN: REGARDLESS of anyone's beliefs, be they religious, social, misanthropic, racist or what-EVER, it is the music first and foremost that rules the day 'round here. Understand? Good. I am a misanthropist myself so there are some things I CAN say without ANY degree of hatred or intents to racism on my part. While I do not agree with EVERYTHING said in this interview, I will edit or censor NONE of it. I do have this thing against censorship, ya know.
Now that THAT'S been said, the rest of you who want to know about this band, read on...

<li>It's absolutely amazing to me that everyone rags on you for your lyrics, but they praise your musical abilities to every 'zine and internet site out there!

POGROM: Many a person have said we'd be rock stars if we had sung about flowers or corpses. Not all the marketing and advertising in the world could make our ideas "popular" or "accepted" within the underground or anywhere else. The more we're known, the more we're despised and ostracised.
VON DEMONICUS: Our American label once told us "If you guys didn't sing about slavery and ethnic cleansing, you'd be a best selling band based on your musicianship alone!" As you see, it is partly by choice, but also partly by the fact that we've been alienated by virtually every level of the scene. This is why you don't see much written about us anywhere. A lot of attention is given to mediocre bands, but those guys keep it safe and harmless.

<li>I was reading some of the hate mail you got, and it's pretty damn funny in a way. Some people should really just go fuck themselves. Just curious your thoughts on all the hate mail here. It's really cool you have the balls to print both good and bad stuff on your site.

VON DEMONICUS: Actually, we don't print the good stuff on the site, only the megative.

<li>On to the lyrics... It seems to me at least one line of one song has so much sobering truth that people don't want to admit it. 'Foundations of empires are laid on sweaty backs of my pals slaves.' Our country was first built on slave labor, the Egyptians built their pyramids on slave labor, and even this whole "pride for Africa" thing is ridiculous because the original African Americans' own people sold them into slavery in exchange for rum and sugar! It might be sad to some people, but it's actual (documented) fact. I see where you have the balls to speak the truth even if people don't want to see it.

POGROM: The line you speak of truths is the one that is considered racist, so you tell me.
VON DEMONICUS: Occasionally we receive letters from individuals who congratulate us on our music but make a point to distance themselves from the ideology behind it. What is absurd is that most will say things like "I don't agree with your views," and what not. We don't present in our lyrics an opinion on the matter, rather we expand on the factual and historical data we deem credible. I don't see our lyrics as opinionated rather as insightful and defamatory. There is nothing to agree or disagree with; it is just how it is. We didn't "invent" colonization, the slave trade or genocide. We simply write about it.

<li>You care to comment on any other aspect of the lyrics for "Incorrigible Bigotry?" I know there's lyrics about war and nuclear terrorism and celestial defamation.

VON DEMONICUS: The songs on our last album deal with the same adored topics as on previous efforts. The song 'Flogging The Cargo' deals with the Middle Passage and indigenous subjugation, 'The Purging Fires Of War' glorifies nobility and warring through lineage, 'Quelling The Simian Urge' deals indirectly with the slave trade and its involvement in the development of empires in the New World, 'Heirs To Perdition' explores character denigration and the ethnic bastardization our offspring will inherit, 'Archaic Invincibility' touches upon the accomplishments of colonization, the debility of monotheism, the immortal honor of soldiery, and eugenics. 'Hereditary Taint' clarifies our stance with regards to miscegenation and genetic inescapability.

<li>I recently heard that you were in search of a bass player. What happened to the old one, and have you solidified that position yet?

POGROM: Our old bass player Kommando lost the tip of his finger in an accident shortly after recording "Incorrigible..." quite disappointing as he's been around since day 1. The position has been since filled, however, since he cannot play bass anymore.

<li>The most amazing thing about "Incorrigible Bigotry" is the sheer massive number of RIFFS! There's more amazing riffs on just two or three songs than I've heard on an entire Megadeth or Slayer album! How long does it take you to come up with riffs for a record normally, and especially THIS record!

POGROM: It's difficult to tell since we're always writing some stuff here and there. The true task is putting them together. Writing riffs on its own is not such a headache, but making them fit with each other is painstaking. Some of the stuff in "Incorrigible Bigotry" was very old and had been waiting for the right song for inclusion. For example, the first 2 riffs of the instrumental 'Incorrigible Bigotry' were from a 4 track tape we recorded in 1992. 'Heirs To Perdition' has also been written along with 'Defile The Angelic' years ago, and finally saw the light of day on our last record. The song 'Archaic Invincibility' was written days before we entered the studio; a spur of the moment assembly and must have only been rehearsed 2-3 times before it was recorded. A couple of riffs we plan to use on our next album are at least 8 years old, but since our music has always been the same they fit without a problem.

<li>I dig the vocal work as well, it's rather unique and not the guttural growling that sounds so dull and boring. There's really nothing dull or boring about Arghoslent's music, even down to the very melodic guitar work! Does the Gothenberg style influence your music even in the slightest? (I know it really sounds NOTHING like the whole overdone Swedish style of death metal).

POGROM: I read here and there how we're comparable to this Gothenberg style, although I'm uncertain as to which bands that is supposed to include. If we're talking about Swedish death metal bands like Nihilist/(old) Entombed, Treblinka/Tiamat, Dismember, Grave, Unleashed, etc. then I cannot deny they influenced out perception of what death metal should sound like, however I don't believe that when listening to us you're reminded of them necessarily. There are of course other more important bands we respect although I don't think it is reflected in our compositions. Touches of Bathory's "Blood Fire Death," "Hammerheart" & "Twilight Of The Gods," Mercyful Fate's "Melissa," Slayer's "Reign In Blood," Vio-lence's "Eternal Nightmare," Razor's "Violent Restitution," and Carnivore's "Retaliation" are present in our music at all times. We do, however, strive to be original and a step above all of our influences. We are not readily mistaken for any other band, and that's our main goal.

<li>Just curious to get your thoughts on America's re-electing of President Bush for 4 more years. Personally, I thought Bush did a lot to hurt our credibility with the rest of the world, a very important fact especially for American bands wanting to tour overseas.

POGROM: Anyone that lends a hand to the well being of Israelites is committing treason. Many people outside of Europe practice what I call "geographical prejudice" against Americans. He who thinks we all live happily and undivided under one flag is a fool.

<li>I'd like to know about the cover for "Incorrigible Bigotry," especially since it seems to depict some sort of Roman battle scene. How did you come to choose the artwork, and what is it's relevance to the lyrics and music for you?

POGROM: The LP is a painting of a slave port in Western Africa. Merchants trading goods for human cargo is depicted beautifully on the canvas. It is my understanding that some abolitionist purchased the painting and donated it to a museum in England because he found it offensive. The CD version is a painting of a decaying Roman civilization. (This is the version I have - Ed.) It is very meaningful in the way it represents man's cyclical, self-destructive nature.

<li>I did an interview with While Heaven Wept, who mentioned that they were fans of yours. How do you feel about their music, especially given the fact that as a doom metal band they don't sound like their peers either (something that can also be said about your band).

POGROM: I ran Sinistrari Records back in the day and I released (with help from Tom) their first While Heaven Wept CD. Their band is original, in my opinion, especially being from Virginia, where very little has ever caused a stir in the scene. My label supported bands that were worthy, regardless of the style. Anyone with a slight understanding of music can recognize the talent of While Heaven Wept.

<li>How is your deal with Moribund Records structured? I know you signed with Drakkar, but maybe since you're in the States as well, you deal with Moribund a lot? What's your recording deal with Drakkar/Moribund?

We have a 2 record deal with Drakkar Productions. The connection with Moribund is that of a licensing one. Moribund pays some sort of royalty for producing and distributing our CD in North America. Neither label sells products out of their zone as stated in their agreement. I'm unaware if our next album will have the same restrictions or licensing. We would prefer to be represented by 2 labels as Drakkar doesn't have such an influence in America.

<li>I know you've gotten a lot of hate mail, but has Arghoslent been able to play out live, and DO you plan on doing live shows anywhere?

POGROM: We could play live every weekend if we desired to, but for what? 10 drunks to show up and then what? If a show is worthwhile, we will consider playing it. As it stands now, our last gig was in 1999. Support for our band live has never been impressive. If our labels can secure us a spot in an event worthy enough, Arghoslent may play live again in 2005. At this point in time, our music has been disseminated enough to where some folk in the audience would actually recognize our songs making the performance worthwhile.

<li>Tell us a bit about the next record, as I know it's been said to be in the works for some time now. Any song titles, themes or album titles you can throw our way? I'm definitely awaiting it's release.

POGROM: We have many songs written and could actually record 2 albums worth of material today. Our lives don't revolve around music, hence, the time allocated to rehearsing and refining our music is limited. All of us are constrained by our occupations and other responsibilities. Some songs that will appear on the new album are 'Terra Nullis,' 'A Somber Warcry' (from our 1994 demo), 'The Nubian Archer,' and 'The Ghosts Of Flossenburg,' both of which have appeared on 7 inch EP's recently.

<li>We did an interview with Beaten Back To Pure awhile ago, and I was commenting on how the NAACP is really doing nothing more than pushing a monetary agenda. They were boycotting the confederate flag at the expense of jobs and revenue for their own people, when what they should have been doing was recognizing that the Confederacy stood mainly for freedom from governmental oppression and governmental control over it's citizens than a more minor issue of slavery. I'm curious as to your thoughts on this, because from an intellectual, thought out explanation they seem to be more interested in lining their corrupt pockets than really helping their own people.

POGROM: I'm under the impression that it's going to take a lot more than an organization to help what a million years of evolution failed to do. Perhaps in another million years, nature will grant them with ingenuity, creativity, and the mental capacity to contribute to civilization with anything more than brute labor.

<li>Anything you can tell us about any of the individual members of Arghoslent?

POGROM: We share the same interest in history, religion, science and music. We have been at this for a long time and have seen the scene blossom, and die many deaths. Arghoslent has remained active year in and year out, disappointing even the most optimistic rabble rousers in the scene who have had dreams that our fort would collapse.

Absolutely stunning read. I have even more respect for them now after reading that.

We don't present in our lyrics an opinion on the matter, rather we expand on the factual and historical data we deem credible.

I always saw this in them. I had noticed that their lyrics are not just "FUCK JEWS AND my pals THEY SUCK" but are actually more written from the point of view of a man back in those times...really quite interesting. And they are intelligent as fuck.
Also funny that a band like Arghoslent complains about 'geographical prejudice' against Americans.
Erik said:
yeah except they say this

then this

I think they were only relating that first stance to their lyrics on "racism", not the lyrics on miscegenation.

But that just goes to prove that everyone is opinionated.

And that guy probably isn't a misanthrope.
Jean-Pierre said:
Bah, leave Steve alone, man. He runs an awesome Metal website out of his own pocket, and hosts up plethoras of classic albums in RM format...


Err ok (yucky website btw). I wasn't flaming him, just didn't like his interviewing style (I was expecting a "can I suck your dick?!?!" question to be honest). It ended up a really good interview though so whatever.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Absolutely stunning read. I have even more respect for them now after reading that.

We don't present in our lyrics an opinion on the matter, rather we expand on the factual and historical data we deem credible.

I always saw this in them. I had noticed that their lyrics are not just "FUCK JEWS AND my pals THEY SUCK" but are actually more written from the point of view of a man back in those times...really quite interesting. And they are intelligent as fuck.
Even if it's not in the lyrics (personally I think it is - especially with lines such as "a flawed genome") they certainly expressed their racism in this interview.

I wonder what that accident was with Kommando.

It's certainly good to hear they're not republicans though.
Melodeath said:
Even if it's not in the lyrics (personally I think it is - especially with lines such as "a flawed genome") they certainly expressed their racism in this interview.

I wonder what that accident was with Kommando.

It's certainly good to hear they're not republicans though.
They certainly do show their racism in their lyrics ("superior beings compelled into the dark enclave" "cavernous pits open wide, receive malnourished forms with great delight" and much more). But I am not one of those whiny pc bitches that would condemn a band for racist lyrics, so I do not care.

I also wonder exactly how Kommando lost his finger. My guess is that he has some kind of blue collar job, and he lost his finger in a work accident. Maybe he is a carpenter or a factory worker.
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