Ladies of UM: Critique My OKC Profile

You need more pictures, specifically ones of you out and about doing things. Make it seem like you're cultured and active, even if you're an internet cave dweller.
Already got one hitting me up. But she's in Salt Lake City lol...Funny enough has a similar anti-tattoo/piercing bit in her profile hahah.
Yeah, I would definitely avoid talking about what you aren't looking for. It tends to make women sound jaded and picky, at best, so I'd imagine it applies to men too. The questions should steer you towards the right types, and at the very least you can just ignore messages from incompatible people.

You need more photos and recent photos, and some of them need to not be selfies. A couple are fine, but preferably you can make it look like you have friends and a social life. At the very least it will look like you have a friend who is willing to help you out on this.

It probably would help to add more jokes. I did like that you kept the pop culture section from being too long. Giant info dumps there aren't great to look at, but on the other hand, it can help people find you.
Really on the glasses? I always thought thick or dark frames look like shit on light complexions.

anything is better than what you have now. your glasses look dated and really age you.
i'd buy a pair of rimless and hipster glasses( high index lenses for both) if i had to buy glasses right now. rimless for formal wear and hipster for casual.


heres a good look to copy for a dating site(i would have used a pair of rimless instead for this, but it still looks good tho)
"I can teach you how to be a douchebag, but you must first show your loyalty by putting on this bowtie and these suspenders. Don't be afraid, my son."
tbh those kinds of glasses are definitely on the fashionable side of things at least on my campus. Maybe Draele is too old to pull it off if it ends up being women his age, but the thicker-rimmed glasses alone could work and not be hipster. I don't know about the complexion thing, but us pasty blondes tend to have cold, ghostly eyes, and I think those kinds of glasses help to de-emphasize that.
The profile seems pretty good to me.

About the pictures/glasses, I think my only critique is that the one with you in the black shirt is better because you appear more approachable. So, if you could get a recent picture where you appear a bit more approachable, that would be good. And a big NO, with the hipster glasses. They would probably look ridiculous/off with your style.