Ladies of UM: Critique My OKC Profile

I mean... Everyone has different tastes, man. If I were single and saw your profile I'd be thinking awe, he is just adorable. Then I'd skip it for the dude who wrote less than a paragraph total. Personal preference, I like the strong silent type.

Your profile is fine as it is if that's who you are. You are likely to attract women who also talk a lot, like a super dorky little short chick who does shit like *pokes you* *runs in corner giggling* *shows you manga collection shyly*. Asterisks included. She will be hella squeezable. This I have foreseen.

You're just fuckin adorable, and will attract likewise adorable females or women who are embittered by masculine men and want to try you out for awhile as a change, only to ultimately break your heart. In other words, tread lightly.

Real talk
I mean... Everyone has different tastes, man. If I were single and saw your profile I'd be thinking awe, he is just adorable. Then I'd skip it for the dude who wrote less than a paragraph total. Personal preference, I like the strong silent type.

Your profile is fine as it is if that's who you are. You are likely to attract women who also talk a lot, like a super dorky little short chick who does shit like *pokes you* *runs in corner giggling* *shows you manga collection shyly*. Asterisks included. She will be hella squeezable. This I have foreseen.

You're just fuckin adorable, and will attract likewise adorable females or women who are embittered by masculine men and want to try you out for awhile as a change, only to ultimately break your heart. In other words, tread lightly.

Real talk



I giggled just reading that. Also, ugh, manga. I can deal though.

I think folk metal fans might also be pretty promising for you, if you take the suggestions about black shirt. Chicks whose favorite bands are Ensiferum and Alestorm, etc., and probably love renaissance festivals and whatnot. Poet types. They'd think you're cool and mysterious for knowing the underground bands. Plus you're a nice guy and look very studious with that hair, so continue playing it up. You will meet victory.
Good angle. I hadn't thought of that, but Folk does have a unique position in the metal world and I mean that in a good way. Accessible, goofy, but still awesome.

Nah nobody yet.
I think folk metal fans might also be pretty promising for you, if you take the suggestions about black shirt. Chicks whose favorite bands are Ensiferum and Alestorm, etc., and probably love renaissance festivals and whatnot. Poet types. They'd think you're cool and mysterious for knowing the underground bands. Plus you're a nice guy and look very studious with that hair, so continue playing it up. You will meet victory.

I'd rather slice a hole in a lemon and fuck it than be in an actual relationship with a girl that loved Alestorm.

Random observation from this thread and I don't mean anything by it really... But I can take a lot of shit. Listening to Alestorm all the time? Not sure.
I'll listen to some oompa folk metal if it means I can throw on some Drudkh or Burzum or w/e and not get a "what is this shit?" look.