Bill S.
Sanity is too overrated
Disclaimer: My Mom's side of the family is Polish, so I can get away with telling this. 
An Englishman, a Frenchman, and a Polock find themselves stranded in a lifeboat, after their ship sinks. After several days with no food or water, they find a bottle floating in the ocean, and upon opening it, a genie comes out.
Genie: "I can only grant 3 wishes, and as there's 3 of you, you each get ONE wish. Choose wisely."
Englishman: "That's easy, I wish I was back home in London, with my wife and son."
Poof! The Englishman disappears.
Frenchman: "I wish I was home with with my beautiful fiance, Antoinette."
Poof! The Frenchman disappears.
The Genie turns to the Polock, who's deep in thought. After several minutes, the Polock looks around the lifeboat and says:
"Gee, it's kinda lonely around here, I wish I had my friends back..."
An Englishman, a Frenchman, and a Polock find themselves stranded in a lifeboat, after their ship sinks. After several days with no food or water, they find a bottle floating in the ocean, and upon opening it, a genie comes out.
Genie: "I can only grant 3 wishes, and as there's 3 of you, you each get ONE wish. Choose wisely."
Englishman: "That's easy, I wish I was back home in London, with my wife and son."
Poof! The Englishman disappears.
Frenchman: "I wish I was home with with my beautiful fiance, Antoinette."
Poof! The Frenchman disappears.
The Genie turns to the Polock, who's deep in thought. After several minutes, the Polock looks around the lifeboat and says:
"Gee, it's kinda lonely around here, I wish I had my friends back..."