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In The Mouth Of Madness - Masterpiece. An ingenious mix of various genres (horror, comedy, action) with many intrinsic meanings, scheming dialogues, great acting and fascinating story.
Saw V? What a bore! I hate this mania to make indecent sequels to a film that was good. That's enough! And it's ridiculous to continue to make mediocre sequels to a film by basing on its good name just to make money.

I'm a bit at a loss with Saw, part of me wants to hate it, but I jsut can't get enough of gore. It's a shame the latest one had minimal(sp?) gore in it.
I don't want to see a cop film, I want fucking gore damnit!
Not only was it boring, but just plain stupid! Ooooo the plants are sending out chemicals that make people kill themselves, but apparently Mark Wahlberg is immune! I can't believe it was an M. Night movie!
me neither unfortunately... at least The Village totally surprised us even if it wasn't that great of a movie...

Also another movie I saw along with the two I already mentioned was Eastern Promises.... another great movie...
Taegukgi (Brotherhood)

Epic korean war movie. 6/6

I thought it was pretty good too even though I dislike most war films

I just watched Man on Fire; it was pretty decent, at least that little girl didn't scream the entire film like WotW.
Get Smart - funny shit! Steve Carell is hilarious
Forbidden Kingdom - kung-fu masters Jet Li and Jacky Chan finally meet