Last movie you've watched

I watched "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead" a few days ago. It was pretty cool; much better than I thought it would be. Its about a jewelery store robbery going completely wrong and the circumstances that the robbers have to live with. Some parts (the robberies) in it got me pretty excited and I was yelling instruction to the characters. I like watching a movie that can make me do that.

Actors and Actresses: Ethan Hawke, Marissa Tomei, Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
Impressive that Lumet can still make films of such a high standard. That one was grim and tragic, but well developed. Hoffman is ace in more or less any role.

New Terminator was disappointing. Not a total disaster, just a disappointment with some cool, throwaway moments.

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus. Me and some friends were in the mood for a bad movie, only to realize that this wasn't really that bad. One friend said Twilight was worse.

That film looks amazing.
The Soloist.Based on a true story.A homeless mentally ill guy learns to balance his disorder and becomes more immersed in his playing of string instruments due to the help of a journalist(R.Downey)
The last movie I saw was Drag Me to Hell. I thought it was pretty good.
It had a few funny moments, but overall I thought it was pretty lame. Very predictable and not very interesting. The horror genre has produced far better in my opinion. A recent horror movie I thought was a lot better was Quarantine.

The new Transformers was not so bad. A tad long, but not so bad.
2 1/2 hours is way too long considering the minimally interesting plot. I thought it was very similar to the first one and in general felt there was no reason for making this movie other then to make a ton of money. As a reviewer from the Daily Mail put it, "Sums up everything that is most tedious, crass and despicable about modern Hollywood!"
I saw Year One, The Hangover and Whatever Works today.

I thought Year One was hilarious and intelligent despite the fact that many reviewers hated it. I've only laughed so hard that I cried at a few movies in my life, and Year One was one of them, but I think you would have to appreciate dark comedy to see as much humour in it as I did. The scenes dealing with the biblical Abraham were among the best.

The only reason I saw The Hangover was for comparative purposes with Year One. I expected The Hangover to be stupid and not funny, and I found it indeed to be stupid and only minimally funny. Compared to Dumb and Dumber, which was also very stupid, but was hilarious.

Whatever Works was a very solid effort, especially considering how many films Woody Allen has put out. Some familiar themes from his previous movies are evident in Whatever Works, but he gives it a genuinely unique and interesting spin to make you feel like you didn't waste your time. Best line in the movie was when Larry David was complaining about how nowadays there are different summer camps for everything that kids can attend, but he mentions the best idea would be to send kids to a mock concentration camp during the summer so their parents instill in them the value of understanding the reality of what the human species is capable of.
The Hangover was quite alright. It's hardly meant to be a picture of substance. It was certainly better than the average movie in this particular genre.

Further - It's ironic that you use the Daily Mail to label something "tedious, crass and despicable". I'm not even sure what is meant by "Modern Hollywood". These movies are made because people pay money to see them. Blame the masses, not Michael Bay.

Whatever Works is pulled off entirely by Larry David. Woody Allen doesn't really have his touch anymore. His brand of "Jewey" humour was relevant when he was young, but it means nothing now.