Learning to sing Black Metal


New Metal Member
Jan 30, 2006
Im looking for more of a Dani Filth sound.. I know he has help from voice synthesizers but im trying to sound as much like him as i can... Im aiming to sound like he does in "Nymphetamine" or "Hollowed be thy Name"... If you have any ideas that could help me, meybe some training methods or somthing, please share.
Here's a piece of advice, you're never going to sound like "him", try as you might. Everyone has their own vocal style when it comes to extreme vocals, you may get similar but you're still going to have to just work on your own thing.

I can't help you here though, Dani Filth does stuff that I've never really even tried before. Just experiment with different screams, you might get something hopeful to build from.
Jacks_Torture said:
I would rather do it on my own, tho its tempting.... :Spin:

so whats the problem with making a show of it when your on your own???:loco:

my "typical" vocal-style is different, but I sometimes "sing" along to some cradle-stuff just for fun
The secret is that Dani sings quietly, it´s more a whisper than a vocal style. You´ll also see that you can sing like him when you try it this way. OK, practising could never be wrong. :D
D-KOM said:
The secret is that Dani sings quietly, it´s more a whisper than a vocal style. You´ll also see that you can sing like him when you try it this way. OK, practising could never be wrong. :D

I've heard that about different vocalists and I can get some good sound effects at lower volumes but whenever I was playing with a full band I felt like I had to scream at the top of my lungs to be heard. I havn't worked on my Death Metal vocals for a good bit now but my Black Metal vocals are generally done at higher volumes, sort of like Ihsahn from Wrath of the Tyrant.
I know the problem with live playing, but you have to turn on your self controll and try to stay at your low volume beginning at the soundcheck. When looking at a weird crowd freaking around and still controll yourself is really hard, but when Dani could do it, I think you could do it also. ;-)
To do the BM shreik, you have to get it from the throat. It's not as hard as it sounds. Also u expell much less breath from there in comparison to the guttural death grunt. I find it pretty easy.

It's also rumured Dani inhales instead of exhales, but I don't believe it.
The_Harmathroditic_Ferret said:
To do the BM shreik, you have to get it from the throat. It's not as hard as it sounds. Also u expell much less breath from there in comparison to the guttural death grunt. I find it pretty easy.

It's also rumured Dani inhales instead of exhales, but I don't believe it.
I also don't believe it, you can't form words while inhaling, I've tried that
Well Dani has a special voice he sings way higher than most black metal guys and he can sustain his high note.

If you want to build your voice up there are some big sacrifices you have to make seriously I'm not lying to you any singing teacher will tell you things.

-Sing naturally when practicing
-Only use your harsh vocals in band pratice or performance overuse will permanentlly damage your vocal chords and you will never be able to hit a high note then.
-Drink lots of water eat healthy execersise don't smoke and keep liquor to a minimum :yell:

Painful but if you want that kind of voice you will do it.
Jacks_Torture said:
Im looking for more of a Dani Filth sound
thats the wrong person to follow cause cradle of filth isnt black metal they are goth metal. if i were you i would try to sing like atilla cshiar, ishan, dead, or varg vikernes. just a thought but fact is cof is not black metal.
Jacks_Torture said:
Im looking for more of a Dani Filth sound.. I know he has help from voice synthesizers but im trying to sound as much like him as i can... Im aiming to sound like he does in "Nymphetamine" or "Hollowed be thy Name"... If you have any ideas that could help me, meybe some training methods or somthing, please share.

I can screech and go low like him, but i do not take any credit whatsoever being newhere near him