

Infernal Garden Gnome
Oct 14, 2001
Was reading an article about Varg Vikernes out of curiosity and the name Lee Barrett popped up as the person the sick racist shit called after he killed Euronymous.

Wow! Didn't know you were involved in all that Lee_B :) Or is that not you, just coincidentally some other Lee B who happened to work in the music industry in England?
Yeah, that was me. He phoned to say that Euronymous had been killed and was really happy about it (he never told me he did it though. He said it was likely to have been Finnish black metallers). Unfortunately at the time he called me no one apart from the police would have known about the murder, so Varg, in his excitement to try and spread the news, managed to stitch himself up..

Lee B
Originally posted by Ordeith
Was reading an article about Varg Vikernes out of curiosity and the name Lee Barrett popped up as the person the sick racist shit called after he killed Euronymous.

Wow! Didn't know you were involved in all that Lee_B :) Or is that not you, just coincidentally some other Lee B who happened to work in the music industry in England?

I have a soft spot for his music.
That Varg sure gets around.. I know a guy on IRC who used to play D&D with the guy (before he went all Viking).

Lee, you're just chock full of nifty stories.. you music industry insiders HAVE to spill it some more!

We CRAVE this kind of stuff!

I do anyway... :goggly:
Anyone ever read Lord of Chaos by Michael Moynihan...goes into a lot of detail on Varg et al...and the whole scene back then...