Legitimate Ghost Reveries Review

Well, I tried to make a thread, but I fucked up and posted it before it had anything in it, and Moonlapse deleted it...

I've heard it.

-No, I'm not giving it to you. Don't pm me, I'm not checking them.

-The promos are out obviously, but everyone has been scared by Roadrunner about some brand new super duper encryption, so no one is leaking anything and no one is giving anything to anyone they don't trust, so once again, don't bother asking me. I happened to know the right people, so I am lucky. I'm not going to fuck over their trust, so, one more time, don't ask me. I don't care if you believe me or not, I'm just posting this to make a little review for people who are so frightened that Opeth are selling out or turning numetal or whatever.....

1. The streams were a bad idea. They really suck the production out, and this album is more of a "sit down and listen all the way through affair" anyway. Grand Conjuration really isn't that bad. I noticed alot more detail...

2. They don't go numetal on us. I promise. They don't go black metal either though. The style that got the biggest increase is the progness. Big time. And *gasp* there are even jammy parts!

3. The production is great, a good improvement on the rhythm guitar sound from Deliverance that no one seemed to like. The keys/synths are not overbearing and add alot of stuff that you haven't heard on an Opeth cds before.

4. This album has Mike's best singing, even better than on Damnation. I'm sure the lyrics will be great once they are all written up in front of me as well...it's easy to pick out lines now though, with "laughing stock of the absent minded" being a cool one that comes to mind.

5. This album is basically what Per and Martin L. hinted at in that recent interview: Opeth to the next power, Opeth squared, etc. They tweaked/improved upon all the previous elements while adding new stuff that you haven't heard from them yet.

If you liked any single one of the albums past Morningrise, I can't see why you wouldn't like this album. Easily one of their best.

There you go. Only 5 more weeks to go. Maybe a crooked employee at Roadrunner will leak a Retail copy before it's time....

Have no fear, it's Opeth folks. People will probably still think the album sucks just because it's on Roadrunner, but they are definetly not turning into Metallica.
I really don't intend for this thread to be another pathetic hoax like in the other thread, but I don't know if they will keep it open anyway. But hang in there, it's worth it.
If you're not full of crap then this is very good to hear.

Can you possibly post a review of each song and maybe if it sounds like any of their previous ones? It might give us more of an idea of what to expect, also what do you rate the album overall? Is it their best album (as Mikael says)?

There's just something disappointing about hearing that various people all over the place have had a chance to hear the album before the core fanbase, especially based on contacts, but sadly that's the way it is. I think at the moment all this thread does it tug on people's chains and makes them even more desperate to hear the album.
Hey, if a promo came my way, I'd gladly send it to you. However, there's no fucking way I ever hope to get on Roadrunner's promo list.
i know, I'd share, especially to you guys because its obvious everyone here would buy anyway.
Ddue, I have it and been punking the resident nerds quite successfully. It kicks frickin ass. Jean has it too.
Shut up, don't let them know I was in on it.

Um yeah... Baying of the Hounds has an awesome psych solo at the end, think "Any Color You Like" by Pink Floyd but add Peter and Mikael having a solo battle.