Legitimate Ghost Reveries Review


Shittt, I'd hate for him to be my PR guy if I was an endangered species.
You haven't lived until you've encountered a bunyip in your backyard after a hard night drinking. Those fuckers put up one hell of a fight.
:lol: no you don't fail mate. That's the single greatest thing I've ever fucking seen since teh madness m00se, but that's irrelevant here.

Shit I'm actually drinking VB right now. Who's coming on a bunyip hunt?
Haha this thread rocks, I remember those McDonalds toys. I also remember getting Ninja Turtles toys from Pizza hut, they kicked ass.

The only thing I dont like in this thread is VB, its crappy beer.
We Drink Monteiths around here (I think you can get it at the travel bar by Flinders station if ya ever want to try it.) good taste. Is VB one of the cheepest? (would explain why we get it here)
VB and XXXX = cheap as dirt. Dirt can be more apetizing though, depending on your thirst.

Moonie: Right on, Coldies are the shit. They're not very tasty, but they sure do quensh the thirst and weaken the mind.