Let us UNITE!

Now, which one is you? And no, I don't want a hug.


For some reason, the one on the left has me in hysterics!
I am not of those men because I'm not a man. That song "you spin me right round baby" sucks. Its always playing at my laundromat.
I have noticed a lot of hostility here between the "elder" forum members and the "noobs." (Despite my joining date, I've been here for a while...New username!) Well I have got a thought, brethren:
We all love Opeth, that is why we are here. Whether we're new or not, whether we enjoy one album exclusively or Opeth's entire discography, we're all fans of the band. Therefore, I think we should all be nice to one another and appreciate our opinions, and be thankful that there is a forum like this that brings us all together to pay our respects to the greatest band on earth (IMO)!

I know this isn't very "metal" but other than my taste in music I'm not a very "metal" person!

Go to hell hippie!
I don't understand why this is "gay!" I'm just saying we all like the same band and should appreciate one another, because it is the love of Opeth that bought us all together in the first place! And should that entail loving one another and bathing in the sweet ambrosia of the Gods that is OPETH, in our birthday suits, then by the ghost of Ryu Hayabusa, so be it.