Lets have a pics thread :)

The actual Bay Area Rockfest isn't until May..I'm going to that, too, though, so I'll let you know how it goes then. This was just the first show the promoter put on..Enchant, Redemption, Zero Hour and Timeline, & it was kickass..I had a blast. :)
Okay, here's my scary mug..photo taken last weekend while waiting in line at the BARfest show in California.


Wow Jax, what is your iq number? You really look like a smart woman. :D

BTW, Enchant, Zero Hour, Timeline, Redemption all together??? :OMG:
Let me take a wild stab in the dark and say that both jax' and sr's pics are hosted on myspace. Not a single thing works for me on that stupid site. Its so damn annoying cos I can't check out bands on there, or even what anyone looks like. No joke, not a single picture works except for tom's, no video or song works either.
picture tiem from my trip last weekend! Went to visit some friends up north who i haven't seen for a few years and proceeded to get hammered pretty much all weekend.

First night we started out and i was metal



Me and my buddy's friend CJ


Me and my friend Levi (the one who's couch i crashed on)


I guess Levi likes my ass


Pretty annihilated, but I still remember to be metal


Right after i fell off that ledge behind me. Not sure how high it is, but I landed and almost broke my leg. This is me rolling around in agony. This is also Levi being himself and taking a picture instead of helping :lol:


Hobbling back home (good thing it wasn't broken) and despite the immense pain, i still remember to be metal.


Finlandia is metal.
There's more pictures from that night, but nothing of much interest.

Night 2:


Trying to get the lighter back from caitlin. Or trying to grab her bewbz. Not sure which.


Testing out my knee to see if it still hurts. Apparently, i was too drunk to hurt.


Sunglasses = metal


More hanging out... being metal.


Nothing like a girl in a Goatwhore shirt to make a picture metal.
it's good that you remember to stay metal in every situation. that's very important! hmmm... but you forgot to throw the horns when rolling around in agony. not throwing the horns when grabbing girls is excusable though.
What happened to him again? What was he getting all pissed at us for that we drove him off the forum?
Holy crap, I get busy and am gone for a week and this thread goes from BEAUTIFUL to OH... MY... GAWD... back to BEAUTIFUL again!

And I'm with OfSinsAndShred - that pic can NOT be posted again!!!!! (find a happy place... find a happy place...)

But they sure grow 'em beautiful in Australia, don't they!?!?! If this were 20 years ago, I'd SO be there right now.

Eh, who am I kidding? I'd be broke just like back then. Why is it that when you finally get enough money to play, you're already married with 3 kids and two jobs and a mortgage and old? Life ain't f'in fair, man.

Oh well, SymX's new CD comes out in a couple months!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!!
