Lets have a pics thread :)

Wow, your hair is nicer than mine :cry:

Sometimes I fake smiling:
Jax said:
It's the fan club cd. :)

I thought it was supposed to be a demo of the first mix or something for the new album. But the fan club cd is awesone also. Even though I'm not in the fanclub.

Thraxz said:
Erection inducing guitar...

In an extremely honest way of saying it, yes.
ptah knemu said:
I thought it was supposed to be a demo of the first mix or something for the new album. But the fan club cd is awesone also. Even though I'm not in the fanclub.

*laughs* I didn't know my avatar was supposed to be anything..I'll try to get it right next time. ;) :lol:
I didnt actually mean it was "supposed" to be anything. I just say that figuratively.


My amp is the new God of my house.
I think it's the tail end of an action shot - he's just raised it over his head and thrown it at the stairs.
kazahana said:
I think it's the tail end of an action shot - he's just raised it over his head and thrown it at the stairs.
:lol: I wish I had that skill. My amp weighs almost as much as I do, so I have some issues when it comes to stairs.

@ptah knemu: Yes, we know you were praying. I think kazahana was just kidding.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
:lol: I wish I had that skill. My amp weighs almost as much as I do, so I have some issues when it comes to stairs.

@ptah knemu: Yes, we know you were praying. I think kazahana was just kidding.
What? Doesn't everyone throw their gear around the house? Must just be me then...
Kronikle66 said:
Never in my life, has there been a time when smoking did not look cool as shit :)

Be sure to save this picture. When you're 50 and dying from emphysema, you'll need good entertainment between pain killers in the hospital before your heart explodes as it tries to pump more and more blood through your oxygen-deprived body.

Or maybe you'll enjoy looking over the picture while your lungs eat themselves as cancer rips through your chest.

I prefer to think smoking just looks like shit. It definitely smells like it.
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ABQShredHead said:
Be sure to save this picture. When you're 50 and dying from emphysema, you'll need good entertainment between pain killers in the hospital before your heart explodes as it tries to pump more and more blood through your oxygen-deprived body.

Or maybe you'll enjoy looking over the picture while your lungs eat themselves as cancer rips through your chest.

I prefer to think smoking just looks like shit. It definitely smells like it.

It's actually just flavored hookah. So I'll be smelling like strawberries and grapes. :oops: