Lets have a pics thread :)

goth_fiend said:
heres a new one, about 3 days old, with my new strap, awesome!


Wow, you're hot o_O I mean..nice strap ;)
Cheers goth_fiend :)

ThornsOfSorrow: hehe yeah I climbed up the top of that mountain thing and me and the photographer completely didnt notice those flowers until we looked at the pics so it slightly ruined it heh but ah well, was a tad windy that day also :)
Well, I thought I could post some pics of myself...
This is me about 2 years ago when i had long hair :erk: (being totally ridiculous)


This is a pic when I served in the army (which is not obligatory in all countries yet :( )

-Trying to nail that marine look :p-

On a sidenote, please don't laugh yourself to death!
This is one of my casual grad pics taken with my Jackson KE3 and Gigantour gear (Sym X shirt and DT & Megadeth wristbands

This is a pic of me being so cool.

Drinking makes you look so much cooler than smoking.
But then the nade would bounce off and I would throw it with much 1337n355 into the crowd of n00bs behind you, ultimately getting 10 frags with a 10:0 KD ratio and annihilating your entire team! Then I'll come out with the AWP and get 10 headshots with 1 bullet because all of your n00b team got in the way because they're n00bs! LOL. Okay, enough CSS talk.