Lets have a pics thread :)

Did someone say hookah?


Only time I did it, I thought it was kind of lame.
ABQShredHead said:
Be sure to save this picture. When you're 50 and dying from emphysema, you'll need good entertainment between pain killers in the hospital before your heart explodes as it tries to pump more and more blood through your oxygen-deprived body.

Or maybe you'll enjoy looking over the picture while your lungs eat themselves as cancer rips through your chest.

I prefer to think smoking just looks like shit. It definitely smells like it.
Oh come on. I quit smoking a few months ago and I still get annoyed by the smoke police. Get off his back. I'm sure he knows smoking is bad for you - you don't have to inform him.
I dont smoke and I still get annoyed by the smoking police. I hate when people flip out like you're garaunteed to get lung cancer and die by the age of 35 no matter how much you smoke, thats just not how it is. Stop thinking you're so much better than everyone
†Russel Allen†® said:
Let's have one more of mine, for now:

Me and my pal doin' some shitty posing :D
I like how your buddy (I'm assuming that you listed yourself and your friend in order) looks like he's sleeping in action. :)

The Yngster said:
I dont smoke and I still get annoyed by the smoking police. I hate when people flip out like you're garaunteed to get lung cancer and die by the age of 35 no matter how much you smoke, thats just not how it is. Stop thinking you're so much better than everyone
Same here. Plus, (and I think I've said this before) you can get cancer from almost anything nowadays, so it doesn't make much sense to keep targeting smokers. For example, just living in my town heightens the risk of getting cancer, since we supposedly have "mysterious causes" of it here. So let people do what they want.
ABQShredHead said:
Be sure to save this picture. When you're 50 and dying from emphysema, you'll need good entertainment between pain killers in the hospital before your heart explodes as it tries to pump more and more blood through your oxygen-deprived body.

Or maybe you'll enjoy looking over the picture while your lungs eat themselves as cancer rips through your chest.

I prefer to think smoking just looks like shit. It definitely smells like it.

What a fucking tool.....
Dick of the year award...

Progbass said:
ProgMaiden, it looks like you have lost some color too, I like it red better :)

Nah, I've always been a brunette. Sometimes it has a reddish tint to it depending on the lighting though. I have thought about dying it red actually, but I don't want to deal with the constant dying and re-dying that my friends do.