Lets have a pics thread :)

how did you break it? :lol:
Okay, here's the full story:

So I'm sitting in my house drinking with my bandmates and my bassplayer's girlfriend, and all of the sudden, Candkejack comes in, saying "....." Olay, I can't remember what he said, but that's not the point. Now, my bass player and I had our instruments, so we started having a drunk jam, and all the sudden, I drop my guitar, but my keyboard player saves it at the last minute. All the sudden though, I fall down, and I'm laying there for a half hour in excruciating pain, moaning about how my.... back hurt, and they were all yelling at me, "Get up you baby!!" So I got up and I go to punch my bass player in the teeth... but I decide not to. But none of that really has to do with anything at all, because the way I broke my hand was by
oh yea, this isnt a pic, but i though it was rather funny
Haha... sucks ey? I actually bent that EXACT same bone just over a year ago... let the words "punching" and "I-was-too-enraged-at-the-time-to-remember-that-there-is-cement-under-the-carpet" tell you all you need to know. :loco:
I broke the similar bone in my foot a while back. I was out jogging one night and I stepped on a piece of f'in' gravel. It was in the exact right spot and it snapped my metatarsal. Didn't hurt till later that night when I was trying to sleep and the bedsheets twisted my foot when I was rolling over.