Lets have a pics thread :)

Thanks for adding me by the way!!

What is the world coming to? lol...

Not picking on you man, just a general observation that like 5 years from now, adding/friending/poking will be like, some kind of replacement for friendship/conversation/pickup lines etc. and that's seriously erktastic. :erk: :lol:
Here's me and the clan. Family portraits FTW!


From a few weeks ago, on the Dragonforce tour bus. Me, my friend Dave (from that kickass band Grave Desire I talked about in the band promo thread), Frederic from Dragonforce/other bands that are actually cool, and D.C. Cooper.
Awesome... I'm actually seeing Dragonforce tonight. F' Yeah! \m/ :p

Lol, check this funny pic... some dude made it, and got banned by the Dream Theater forums for posting it. XD

Allen is a hell of a lot better than LaBrie IMO, if only for his more extended vocal range.But LaBrie does do his stuff pretty well, I'm a fan of EoP.
Yeah, vocal range, tone of both his clean and more agressive sound (which James can't really do to save his life)... I reckon if Russell did a guest track with DT, that would be fucking awesome. :kickass:
He's pretty good, but man, banning someone over that? maybe cause they could have photoshopped it better but seriously, freedom of speech people. I thought bredius and co were more secure in their confidence :lol: