Lets have a pics thread :)

Hehe, I'll get things going again. :)


Pink wrist band = \mm/
This is me, thinking about sending a stupid guy to Portland, ME instead of Portland, OR for being so rude to me while attending to his call. *evil*


This is me, with a headband. Yeah, I feel confident enough about my manhood to wear one. Lol.

So i was trying to get a PA speaker cab up on a shelf today and with my guitarist Robbie and it was balancing on the edge of the shelf and some movements were made and the speaker cab fell on my fucking face :lol:


Haha, look at me all unshaven (yeah... sweet... that's like a week of not shaving guys! i'm a goddamned viking who can't even grow a fucking mustache or beard). And yes... that's fucking abbath in the background.


Yeah, looking beaten and haggard still from a night of hard partying. And it's like 9 pm when i took this... fuck that was a great time. Glad i didn't make any hour and a half long international phone calls... that would have been silly. Anyway, in this pic I haven't showered or anything today... i spent all day cleaning up the party at Snake Mountain and by the time i got home i was like "fuck it, it's saturday and i'm not going anywhere". Bad attitude i know (i'm not that bad with my personal hygene on a day to day basis, but some weekends just get to you. and you better believe that normally my hair is much more fucking beautiful)

Fun times.
While poor Zachy was home destroying his head last night I was out having a great time at my friend's engagement party! :lol:

*Hands Zach a plaster and a beer to make it better* :kickass:

I hate my picture being taken, so here's a rare shot of me from last night. Oh, I'm on the right! (For reference, sorry, it isn't the best pic; we were at this point tired (it was really, really late) and flopped on the sofa since we couldn't be arsed to stand up for photos :p):

Hope you all had a great weekend!
