Lets have a pics thread :)

I have my guitar strap set so the guitar is at a height that is exactly the same whether I am sitting down in classical position or standing up. That way my fingers are very used to that position. When I play classical guitar, I also sit in the classical position... :lol:
1by4by9 said:

"The last picture taken before 1by4by9's mysterious disappearance."

:lol: I love you man.. you're great, honestly :lol:
Ever notice how weird he picks? He bends his wrist and elbow awkwardly around the guitar.

It looks so uncomfortable...like he's disfigured.

Wear your guitar wherever it's comfortable...who cares where it is? I wear it high...not George Harrison high, but above the waist for sure. I know guys who are just fine with it low. If wearing it wrapped around my head like a turban made me play better, I'd do it!
well i play bass and have played a bit of guitar and i still think this is a homo conversation. It goes:

I play guitar up high
Me too
Yeah, fuck guys who play them low
No, some good musicians play them low
Yeah, who cares! As long as they can play!

omg, fucking hell that's retarded.
well i play bass and have played a bit of guitar and i still think this is a homo conversation. It goes:

I play guitar up high
Me too
Yeah, fuck guys who play them low
No, some good musicians play them low
Yeah, who cares! As long as they can play!

omg, fucking hell that's retarded.

So quit reading it, duh. :p
i still think this is a homo conversation. .

seems to know way to much about this topic, it just keeps popping up.......

anyhow it seems to me that guitar players know for playing by their knees are also known for sloppyness.... wait..... item one seems to be related to item two.......