Lets have a pics thread :)

They won't fall out by themselves, but depending on the graphic nature of those pictures it's hard to guarantee the victim wouldn't shoot themselves in the eyes or vigorously scratch off their cornea for sweet relief.
Just for the record, "l337-speak" was funny ten years ago for about 2 minutes at most. Got old after that. Still old now.
I don't speak like this to be funny, it's a habit that just stuck. It starts out small like typing a few abbreviations on Diablo II: LoD and then you start saying the abbreviations out loud and then you get into games like CS and it gets worse and worse until you can't go 2 minutes without saying something 1337.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Ugh... how the heck do you make a picture smaller? I didn't get it from photosuckit lol it's from my friend's site the damn thing takes up the whole page omg!
Either create an account on "photosuckit" and upload the picture to it (it automatically resize it for you) or just post a link to the huge picture, to avoid directly posting a big picture, fucking up the layout of the board, and slightly pissing people off who have OCD (like me).
wee a new one


Bleed Black Label.