Lets have a pics thread :)

Es muy bueno. Thats a really nice picture of you Thorns. As soon as I get around to brightening all my pics from Sonata Arctica tonight (technically now last night), I'll put up the best ones.
Goin to see SA on friday, how was the show?

And here's a pic of some sort...

Thanks people. And yes, MrFast, if you feel the need to put it in there then go for it.

And I'd like to know how Sonata Arctica was too, as I'll be buying my ticket soon for next month.
This is me holding my favorite album of all time (feel free to add me to the most beautiful thread). Oh, and to clear any confusion if there was, I'm a man.
Are those red pajama pants?! He better wear those when I finally get to see them...

@cold103: First of all, Ayreon is amazing. Second, you definitely don't look like a girl. Actually, I'd be quite scared if you were female.
You all know what I look like, but I hadnt taken any pictures in a long time, so this is just the most recent pic which I took today. As you can see, still the same ol boring me.

ThornsOfSorrow said:
You're very pretty; I'd like to have your eyes (That sounds creepy, but you get the point). And on a sidenote, I like the Opeth poster.

OMG stalker, get away from me! lol j/k. Thankyou, you are very pretty yourself. On a side note - *puts on blonde bimbo voice* I like your piercings.

You look like you might have almost as many as my boyfriend. Who am I kidding? I dont think many people out there would have more than he does. Since getting my own (in places that cant be mentioned on a PG rated forum), I find I notice other people's now.
arglebargle said:
SilentRealm, you kind of look like what's her name from That 70's Show, minus the red hair

..erm ok! lol. I dont see that one at all, people have said I look like an innumerable amount of other people, none of whom I can see.

ThornsOfSorrow said:
Haha thanks. But if you really wanted to act as the "blonde bimbo", you should have asked "Did they hurt?". That seems to be the common question among them.

Yes but I have my own, so i KNOW they hurt lol. Actually its honestly not too bad, its more the accidently knocking them in the weeks after and having to retrain yourself about certain ways of putting clothing on etc so you dont inadvertently rip one out.