Lets have a pics thread :)

goth_fiend said:
LOL I wish I was even getting any action, but sadly not, but yeah those are bedsheets, and they are badass, they have black on the otherside
But you're a good looking guy. What the hell is wrong with the girls who live near you?

Waking up is not my piece of cake. :D That's me with a window I made ordered by some museum.
My contribution to the thread...


(I'm not as pretentious as the pic looks, I glanced over at my friend and he took the photograph)


I defy homeless sleep prevention technology!
Yay, resolved my password problem and ready to post again in 2006!
Nice to see faces with the names now and some good revelations too. Jax is the 80's hot chick (lady now), Silentrealm is still gorgeous and please by all means stay "boring" as you say, and YngvaiX looks like the 2nd coming of Jason Becker (but Becker isn't dead...)

Guess I'll put mine up too
SymphonyX enjoying some Yakiniku in Japan!
cold103, nah it's the classroom in my school. :)

Beelzebub, I was first quite neutral about it when I got in but now after 2,5 years of "hard" work the tools are starting to obey my commands. :D My new passion is making windows like in the picture and I hope I'll find corresponding job after graduation. :)
thanks rockmanxpr - will do :oops:

side note: notice how all the girls here jump to attention when goth-fiend mentions having no one special :loco: - i admit, he is hot. I wish there were guys like that around my area :(
What he said.....

And also, Im just kidding when I say that about myself. I actually find myself hideous.