Lets have a pics thread :)

For good measure I'll post a pic of me when I was 16 or (15?)... dont worry ptah I had similar type of hair back when I was that age too just keep growing it long (I hope you are...) and you wont regret it in everyway.


didnt look 25 then did I :( :p
SilentRealm said:
theres a few cuties here, theyre pretty much all too young for me though so i would feel like a paedophile saying if i thought they were attractive.

Tell me about it..a good chunk of the guys here are younger than my oldest kid.. :lol:
SilentRealm said:
theres a few cuties here, theyre pretty much all too young for me though so i would feel like a paedophile saying if i thought they were attractive.

I guess I'm lucky that I'm pretty young, I tend to go for older guys.
Gosh, I'm almost 23 years old. What happened? Wrinkles and baldness, I greet you with open hands.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Since when are people in their 20s considered old?! I don't even considered those in their 30s to be old, and I'm only 18...

You're pretty old.. 9 days older than me to be exact, according to your profile. :)
you're lucky, nearly everyone on my dad's side of the familiy are bald, but almost no one on my mother's side, so time will tell...
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Since when are people in their 20s considered old?! I don't even considered those in their 30s to be old, and I'm only 18...

And Happy Birthday, Arglebargle. :)

I think it has something to do with graduating college and still having friends in undergrad.

I'm 22 and I just can't get over how many people I see that are younger than myself.

oh, and happy b-day arglebargle
Jaen said:
you're lucky, nearly everyone on my dad's side of the familiy are bald, but almost no one on my mother's side, so time will tell...

well, you shouldn't have to worry too much, because typically, the gene responsible for male pattern baldness is passed down from the mother's side of the family :)