Lets have a pics thread :)

Soul of Ice said:
I'm 22 and I just can't get over how many people I see that are younger than myself.

yeah wait till you hit 25 :(

ThornsOfSorrow said:
Since when are people in their 20s considered old?! I don't even considered those in their 30s to be old, and I'm only 18...

you wait till you hit mid 20's too.. then not even 40's is considered old, and 50's is only mildly ageing. God I cant believe when I was about 5 thinking that 20 was old :lol:

btw, I will be 26 in exactly 2 weeks
Here's me, I should probably get a new camera...

yes happy bday argle - welcome to the oldies club :wave:

p.s. fallen embers - yes new camera please or at least a picture thats in focus, coz I think you look like you'd be cute, but I cant tell yet!

Drunk in the hills about a month ago.


Im the guy in the opeth hoodie although it was taken a few years ago (large beard and tattoo's these day, well metal!)

Edit : not quite sure how to make the photos actually show up on the forum so i guess you will have to click the link (if you really can be bothered).
Hey everyone, I got bad news! (I guess)

My friend will not take anymore pictures of me, I guess he was getting mad or something. :erk:

So I can either:

1. Buy a digital camera


2. Buy a 12 string guitar like I've been saving up for recently.

Sorry, but I'm going with 12. :erk:

I'll put a picture up whenever I can... I desperately need to, since everyone has been disputing over my weight. (LOLZ)

Although I did find a camera for 20 bucks recently... Hmm...