Lets have a pics thread :)

Kirk Hammet recently compared it to And Just for All. And considering that's my favourite Metallica album... It better be good :lol:
No love for Michael Kaman? Or just the band's performance? :Spin:

I think the performance was good (on both ends), and I heard other stuff that Kaman's been involved with and really like some of it...but I think it's one of those things where 2 and 2 amounted to 3. The whole thing comes off to me as having been done "just because" rather than anyone actually thinking it would work. I think the setlist was absolutely killer...but most of those songs really didn't have room for orchestral arrangements. I don't know that I would say the arrangements in those cases clash, but I don't find many of them to be supportive. There are other qualms I have with it, but I don't want to go all "OMGZ GEYES I HAS MUZIK DUGREE" and waste all of our time (and piss off Zach) going into that. I do think Kaman made the best of what he had to work with though, so I feel I'd be going a bit overboard to say it's completely horrible. Off-hand, I can't think of a lot of metal/rock band + orchestra pairings that I like a whole lot. The only one that comes immediately to mind is BE...but the biggest factor (IMO) that made that work was that in addition to being absolutely killer music, they weren't written as basic 5-piece rock band arrangement with the orchestra as an afterthought. It was conceptualized, composed, and arranged with the orchestra in mind all along. Everything was incredibly well-integrated from the start and from a listeners perspective, it's not the band with an orchestra laid over it....it's just one big, diverse band.

Anyway, back to metallica in general...as much as I can't stand where they've ended up, I do have a hard time bashing them. In all honesty, if not for them I wouldn't have picked up a guitar until much later in life, if at all. There will always be some degree of respect there.
The thing with S&M was it was so touch and go. Some songs worked awesome (Call of the Ktulu, Bleeding Me, Outlaw Torn, a select few others), but stuff like Fuel was just retarded. If they would have taken a ton of shit from Justice, more of the older melodic stuff, they could have had an amazing album. hell, even more stuff that wasn't gay from Load and Reload would have worked great with an orchestra. I think the setlist was the big downfall of that.
Uh, you just did. :rolleyes: Get over yourself?

:rolleyes: You asked why I felt that way about the cd and I explained. What I was referring to with that statement were more analysis-based things that would've involved discussion that few people on the forum would be interested in and even fewer would follow (because there aren't a lot of people here study music, few of which study it beyond the guitar). Intentionally, there was not one thing in my post that anyone here couldn't follow and/or respond to. If you don't want to know why I have a certain opinions, then start by not asking me to explain them to you. I wont even bother with a lengthy response about how ironic it is for you to be telling anyone else to get over themself, as it is painstakingly obvious everyone here (with the possible exception of you). Congratulations on once again baiting me out of an otherwise good discussion and into some argument you'd rather have over arbitrary (and non-existent, for that matter) issue. If you choose to continue with this promise me you'll read your posts to yourself aloud, preferably while looking into a mirror. At least then I'll know one of us is enjoying this.